

字词 凡尔赛和约


the Treaty of Versailles


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 30) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 279.


凡尔赛和约,也即《凡尔赛条约》或《凡尔赛和约》,全称《协约国和参战各国对德和约》。它是指第一次世界大战后,在1919年6月28日,战胜的协约国集团在法国巴黎近郊凡尔赛宫签订的对德和约,它的主要目的是惩罚和削弱德国。《凡尔赛条约》共分15部分,440条。“根据条约规定,德国损失了13.5%的领土,12.5%的人口,所有的海外殖民地(包括德属东非、德属西南非、喀麦隆、多哥以及德属新几内亚),16%的煤产地及半数的钢铁工业”(百度百科)。其主要内容包括:(1)关于领土问题,和约规定,法国收回阿尔萨斯和洛林,并取得鲁尔煤矿的开采权,萨尔区由国联代管十五年,以后由公民投票决定其归属;来因河西岸由协约国占领十五年,东岸五十公里内为不设防区;德国承认波兰、捷克斯洛伐克和奥地利的独立;德国所有的殖民地由英、法、日、比等国以“委任统治”的形式瓜分;将德国在中国山东的特权和租借地交给日本;(2)关于军事问题,和约禁止德国实行义务兵役制和拥有重炮、坦克、潜艇和空军;规定德国要撤销参谋部,拆除西线工事,但可以保留十万军队和东线军事工事;(3)关于赔款问题,和约规定由协约国组成赔款委员会确定赔款数额,但在1921年5月1日前,德国应先付二百亿金马克等(知网百科)。27 个战胜国参加的和会最终留下 26 个国家在和约上的签字,中国成为例外的那个。中国因巴黎和会对于中日青岛问题无法解决,进而爆发全国反日的五四运动。“1919年6 月28日,在世界历史上出现了这样一幕:当巴黎凡尔赛宫聚集着满怀心喜的战胜国外交官时,却唯独没有中国代表团的影子,在《 协约和参战各国对德和约》(即《凡尔赛条约》) 的签字现场。当克里孟梭宣布仪式开始时,中国代表原本应就坐的席位上空无一人,这让满以为中国会在条约上乖乖签字的国外新闻记者大为吃惊”,“这天下午,巴黎所有报纸都在头版的显要位置登载中国拒签的消息,称之为‘使整个世界为之震动的国际性事件’和‘外交史上一个极为引人注目的先例’”(熊昊,2008:35)。第一次世界大战后,战胜国通过凡尔赛和约重新瓜分世界,帝国主义各国力量发生变化,重新划分了帝国主义在世界各地(欧洲、非洲和中东等地)的势力范围,调整了帝国主义的关系,从而建立了一种新的世界秩序—凡尔赛体系。


[1] 凡尔赛和约.via:
[2] 凡尔赛和约.via:
[3] 熊昊.中国拒签《凡尔赛和约》的背后[J].文史天地,2008(09).


1. 我们清楚地看到,德帝国主义及英法帝国主义强盗们进行了四年战争的目的是掠夺。1918年德国人强迫我们签订了掠夺性的布列斯特-里托夫斯克和约,当时法国和英国曾不断地谴责这个和约,可是不到一年,就在1918年,当德国失败、德帝国垮台的时候,法英资本家就强迫战败的德国签订了凡尔赛和约,这个和约现在成了采用各种野蛮和强制手段的典型,比我们的布列斯特-里托夫斯克和约更厉害。——《列宁全集(第三十八卷)》,1986:31-32

1. As we can see clearly enough, the four-year war was carried on by predators, not only by German but also by British and French imperialism, for the purpose of plunder. When the Germans, in 1918, imposed the plundering Treaty of Brest-Litovsk upon us, there was no end to the shouts disapproving of that treaty in France and Britain, and when a year later, in that same year of 1918, Germany was defeated and the German Empire collapsed, the French and British capitalists then imposed the Treaty of Versailles on conquered Germany; this is now an example of measures still more brutal, more violent, than we had at Brest-Litovsk. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 30), 1974: 279.

2. 只要我们还没有夺得全世界,只要从经济和军事的角度来看我们仍然比资本主义世界弱,就应该坚持这样一个原则:应该善于利用帝国主义者之间的矛盾和对立。如果我们不坚持这个原则,我们大家早就被绞死了,这正合资本家的心意。这方面的基本经验,我们在缔结布列斯特条约时就有了。不能由此得出结论说,条约只能象布列斯特和约或凡尔赛和约那样。这是不正确的。也可能有对我们有利的第三种条约。——《列宁全集(第四十卷)》,1986:59

2. Until we have conquered the whole world, and as long as we are economically and militarily weaker than the capitalist world, we must stick to the rule that we must be able to take advantage of the antagonisms and contradictions existing among the imperialists. Had we not adhered to this rule, every one of us would have long ago been strung up by the neck, to the glee of the capitalists. We gained our chief experience in this respect when we concluded the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. It should not be inferred that all treaties must be like that of Brest-Litovsk, or the Treaty of Versailles. That is not true. There may be a third kind of treaty, one that is advantageous to its. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 31), 1974: 438-439.

3. 现在我来谈谈经济。当我们谈到德国时,我们已经谈到了经济。在凡尔赛和约缔结之后,德国在经济上是不能生存的,而且不仅是德国,一切战败国都是如此,例如原来的奥匈帝国,尽管它的一部分成了战胜国,但是它在凡尔赛条约束缚下也不能生存。在中欧,这是一个有着强大的经济和技术实力的最大的联盟。从经济观点看来,恢复世界经济是需要它们的。——《列宁全集(第四十卷)》,1986:71

3. I now go over to the economics. When we were speaking of Germany, we came up to the question of economics. Germany cannot exist from the economic standpoint following the Peace of Versailles; neither can all the defeated countries, such as Austria-Hungary in her former boundaries, for although parts of that country now belong to the victor states, she cannot exist under the Treaty of Versailles. These countries form, in Central Europe, a vast group with enormous economic and technical might. From the economic stand point they are all essential to the restoration of the world economy. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 31), 1974: 450-451.


例句 1:

例句 2:
In Paris Peace Conference held in the next year,the Big Three had once given Upper Silesia directly to Poland according to the ethnologic criteria.

例句 3:
Later, they decided that the ownership of Upper Silesia would be determined by plebiscite,according to the Article 88of the Treaty of Versailles, as the only compromise in order to urge Germany to sign the treaty. The relevant regulations are totally a product of the Great-power Politics. The Big Three did not expect that their solution for the Upper Silesia Question not only failed to restore peace in that area,but involved millions of people in a failed human experiment.





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