

字词 马尔托夫(原名采捷尔包姆·尤里·奥西波维奇)


Julius Martov (Yuliy Osipovich Tsederbaum)


[1] Julius Martov. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Martov
[2] 马尔托夫.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=7Of6zh-i-9btp1nNiJSeY1tjxu2MEfA6KLNLfR2pFtmhTMckZ_nvnBbYk46t3Bw1gC4bN0XepbbKMshEAsft_q






1. 选举主席团是大会刚开始时极重要的一幕。马尔托夫主张选出9人,每次开会由这9人推选3人主持,而且他还提出一名崩得分子参加这个9人委员会。我主张只选出3人在整个大会期间主持会议,并且要由这3人“严格掌握”。——《列宁全集(第八卷)》,1986:2-5

1. One rather important event at the very beginning of the Congress was the election of the Bureau, or Presidium. Martov was for electing nine persons, who would select three from their number to act as the Bureau at each sitting, and he even suggested a Bundist as one of the nine. I was for electing only three persons for the whole duration of the Congress, and three, moreover, who would “keep order”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 20.

2. 但是,我和马尔托夫在主席团问题上的分歧(从以后的种种事实看来,这是一个重要的分歧),并没有造成任何分裂或冲突、问题也象在《火星报》组织中和在《火星报》编辑部内通常处理大部分问题那样,就那么和和平平地、自然而然地、“按家庭方式”解决了。——《列宁全集(第八卷)》,1986:5

2. My difference with Martov over the question of the Bureau (a difference significant in the light of subsequent events) did not, however, lead to any split or conflict: the matter was somehow settled in a peaceful, natural, “homely” way, as most questions generally were settled in the Iskra organisation and the Iskra editorial board. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 21.

3. 还在大会开幕以前,马尔托夫就秘密地告诉我,有个《火星报》组织的成员同时也是组委会委员的人(我们暂且把他叫作N),决定在组委会里坚持邀请一个人以有发言权的代表的资格参加大会。拟邀请的这个人,据马尔托夫自己说,只有用“反复倒戈的分子”,这个词才能说明他的为人。——《列宁全集(第八卷)》,1986:6

3. Before the sittings of the Congress began, Martov confidentially informed me that a certain member of the Iskra organisation and of the Organising Committee (whom we shall call N) had decided to insist in the Organising Committee that it invite to the Congress in a deliberative capacity a certain individual whom Martov himself could not describe otherwise than as a “renegade”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 22.


例句 1:
Chapter four analyses the ins and outs of banner in spiritual dimension. The term Marxism first used by the anarchist Bakunin in derogatory way; the term Leninism started used by the leader of Menshevik-Martov in derogatory aspect, the term Mao Zedong Thought raised by theoretical worker Zhang Xinru; the important thought of Three Represents originated in Gaozhou, cleared in Guangzhou, deepen in Shanghai, improved on Comrade Jiang Zemin’s July 1st.Speech in 2001; the Scientific Outlook on Development was firstly brought by Comrade Hu Jintao in the inspection tour in Jiangxi Province, and so on.

例句 2:

例句 3:





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