字词 | 库诺夫 |
释义 | 库诺夫【英】Heinrich Wilhelm Karl Cunow译文来源Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 21) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1965: 793. 定义亨利希·库诺夫是德国社会民主党和第二国际的重要理论家之一,是马克思主义发展史上较早提出系统化“重建”历史唯物主义的理论家。库诺夫生于德国。早年经商,后来参加工人运动。1899年他在《新时代》杂志上发表了《关于崩溃理论》一文,在第二国际理论家阵营中第一个回击了伯恩斯坦的修正理论,在第二国际内部引起了较大的反响。1914年以后,在关于理解帝国主义的问题上,库诺夫与考茨基之间有一场重要的理论论战。一战前后,他在政治立场上逐渐与自身的思想立场脱节,站到了第二国际右派的阵营之中。库诺夫在马克思主义理论研究方面影响最大的论著,就是他在1920年出版的《马克思的历史、社会和国家学说》一书,其学术视角是一种实证社会学,其中诸多内容从当下来看有着重要的思想史价值和理论意义。库诺夫在《马克思的历史、社会和国家学说》一书中对马克思社会哲学的解说主要涉及社会观、国家观、阶级斗争理论、历史理论、伦理学和发展理论等内容(徐军,2012:43-45)。库诺夫指出,阶级斗争理论是马克思社会学所独有的,马克思认识到了“阶级是由经济发展所决定的,由这种经济发展所必然产生的历史形体,它有着建立在相应的社会形式基础上的阶层抑或阶级利益”(亨利希·库诺夫,2006:389)。后来,有学者指出,库诺夫在理解马克思历史观上的最大缺陷就是进一步强化了“经济决定论”的倾向。 定义来源[1] 徐军.库诺夫与历史唯物主义系统化“重建”的尝试[J]. 南京社会科学,2012(5). 例句1. 库诺夫企图正好在马克思彻底克服黑格尔的地方,用从康德跟光看的黑格尔来纠正马克思,是不足为奇的。他以黑格尔的作为“永恒价值”的国家来对抗马克思的纯历史的国家观。马克思的“错误”,即国家应该是阶级压迫的工具的观点,只是“历史的事物”,“它们并不决定国家的本质、规定和目标”。在库诺夫看来,马克思在这方面不如黑格尔,因为马克思“考虑问题是从政治出发,而不是从社会学家的立场出发。”见库诺夫前引著作第308页。显然,机会主义者从不把马克思克服黑格尔哲学的一切努力放在跟里。如果他们不回到庸俗唯物主义或康德去,他们就用黑格尔国家哲学中的反动成分来消除马克思主义中的革命辩证法,以使资产阶级社会在思想意识中永世长存。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:67 1. It comes as no surprise that at the very point where Marx radically departs from Hegel, Cunow should attempt to correct Marx by appealing to Hegel as seen through Kantian spectacles. To Marx’s purely historical view of the state he opposes the Hegelian state as ‘an eternal value’. Its ‘errors’ are to be set aside as nothing more than ‘historical matters’ which do not ‘determine the nature, the fact and the objectives of the state’. For Cunow, Marx is inferior to Hegel on this point because he ‘regards the question politically and not from the standpoint of the sociologist’. Cunow, op. cit. p. 308. It is evident that all Marx’s efforts to overcome Hegelian philosophy might never have existed in the eyes of the opportunists. If they do not return vulgar materialism or to Kant they use the reactionary elements of Hegel’s philosophy of the state to erase revolutionary dialects from Marxism so as to provide an intellectual immortalisation of bourgeois society. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 25-26. 2. 相反,等级制的历史清楚表明,这种当初把“自然的”经济存在纳入固定形式的等级制,在隐蔽的、无意识地进行着的经济发展的过程中,怎样慢慢地瓦解了,也就是说,不再是一个现实的统一体。它的经济内容打碎了它的法律的形式上的统一。(恩格斯关于宗教改革时期的阶级关系,以及库诺夫关于法国大革命的阶级关系的分析已经对此作了充分的论证。)然而尽管法律形式和经济内容之间存在着这样一个矛盾,法律的(制造特权的)形式,对于这些正在瓦解的等级的意识仍有着十分重要的,经常是最终起决定性作用的意义。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:113 2. On the contrary, the history of [feudal] estates shows very clearly that what in origin had been a ‘natural’ economic existence cast into stable forms begins gradually to disintegrate as a result of subterranean, ‘unconscious’ economic development. That is to say, it ceases to be a real unity. Their economic content destroys the unity of their juridical form. (Ample proof of this is furnished both by Engels in his analysis of the class struggles of the. Reformation period and by Cunow in his discussion. of the French Revolution.) However, despite this conflict between juridical form and economic content, the juridical (privilege-creating) forms retain a great and often absolutely crucial importance for the consciousness of estates in the process of disintegration. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 57. 3. 在印度,实行共同耕作的家庭公社,在亚历山大大帝时代奈阿尔科斯就已经提到过,它今天也还存在于原来那些地方,即旁遮普和该国的整个西北部。在高加索,柯瓦列夫斯基本人就可以证明这种家庭公社的存在。在阿尔及利亚,它还存在于卡比尔人中间。甚至在美洲,它大概也曾经存在过;苏里塔所记述的古墨西哥的《Calpullis》,人们就想把它看做是家庭公社;而库诺夫(“外国”杂志1890年第42-44期)十分清楚地证明,在秘鲁被征服时,存在过一种类似马尔克制度的东西(而且很奇怪,这种马尔克也叫做marca),实行定期的重新分配土地,从而实行土地的个体耕作。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965:72 3. In India, the household community with common tillage of the soil was already mentioned by Nearchus, at the time of Alexander the Great, and exists to this day in the same area, in the Punjab and the entire North-Western part of the country. Kovalevsky himself was able to testify to its existence in the Caucasus. It still exists in Algeria among the Kabyles. It is said to have occurred even in America; attempts are being made to find it in the calpullis in ancient Mexico, described by Zuritab; Cunow, on the other hand, has proved fairly clearly (in Ausland, Nos 42-44, 1890), that a kind of Mark constitution existed in Peru (where, peculiarly enough, the Mark was called marca) at the time of the Conquest, with periodical allotment of the cultivated land, that is, individual tillage. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1990: 168. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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