

字词 康采恩




[1] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 30.
[2] Concern (business).via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concern_(business)


 日本在第二次世界大战之前存在的各大康采恩集团也被称为财阀,比较有名的有三井、三菱、住友、安田等等。在2000年左右,中国和日本开始出现的各种“控股公司”以及“集团总公司”,也被认为属于康采恩垄断(康采恩.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E5%BA%B7%E9%87%87%E6%81%A9)。


康采恩.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E5%BA%B7%E9%87%87%E6%81%A9


1. 不过,在伯恩施坦看来,中产阶级的数量不仅正在增加,而且随着日益增长的工业康采恩和政府官僚机器雇用的白领工人的出现,其构成成分也发生了变化。根据对非对抗性政治发展的可能性的乐观见解,伯恩施坦认为,这个中产阶级将最终站在工人一边——但只是当工人已成为资产阶级社会(从一个秩序化的和文明化的社会制度这个意义来说的)的成员时才是这样。考茨基也意识到一个“新中产阶级”正在产生,但他总是坚持认为,即便这个阶级的生活方式是资产阶级的,他们却终究要无产阶级化、并加入到阶级斗争中去。因为他们的经济地位基本上是无产阶级的,其政治态度必然要受到影响,从而会反映出这种经济地位来。虽然考茨基有时也意识到,德国许多中产阶级的群体具有潜在的反动因素,但无论他还是伯恩施坦,在对这个阶级最终采取的政治态度所持的信念上,都犯了悲剧性的错误。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:25

1. But, according to Bernstein, the middle class was not only increasing but also changing in composition with the advent of white-collar workers employed in the ever-growing industrial concerns and governmental bureaucracy. True to his optimistic view of the possibility of non-antagonistic political development, Bernstein considered that this middle class would eventually side with the workers, but only when the workers had become members of bourgeois society in the sense of an ordered and civilised social system. Kautsky also realised that a ‘new middle class’ was coming into existence, but he always maintained the view that, however bourgeois their life-style might be, they would eventually become proletarianised and enter the class struggle. For their economic position was essentially proletarian and, under the impact of automation, their political attitudes would come to reflect this. Although Kautsky sometimes realised that potentially reactionary motives of many middle-class groupings in Germany, both he and Bernstein were tragically mistaken in the faith they placed in their eventual political attitudes. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 30.

2. 现在,英国工厂的数目空前增加,而它的官方的政党都正在完全腐烂下去,法国的全部国家机构已经变成一个巨大的进行投机活动的交易所康采恩,奥地利则处于破产前夕,积聚得到处皆是的不公平现象行将引起人民的报复,反动的列强本身利益互相冲突,俄国再一次向全世界显示出它的侵略野心。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第九卷)》,1961:116

2. It is unnecessary to dwell on the political consequences such a crisis must produce in these times, with the unprecedented extension of factories in England, with the utter dissolution of her official parties, with the whole State machinery of France transformed into one immense swindling and stock-jobbing concern, with Austria on the eve of bankruptcy, with wrongs everywhere accumulated to be revenged by the people, with the conflicting interests of the reactionary powers themselves, and with the Russian dream of conquest once more revealed to the world. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 12), 1979: 99-100.

3. 1855年,Crédit Mobillie本来已经完全准备好了发行24000万法郎的这种债券,——这是该公司的章程所许可的,——但是土伊勒里宫的“崇高的智慧”制止了这种打算。Crédit Mobillie把纸币的这种发行叫做增加自己的资本;而普通人却宁肯把它叫做增加Crédit Mobillie的债务。总之,1856年3月,Crédit Mobillie为政府所逼迫而不得不停住,Sociétés en Commandite的竞争,金融危机和Crédit Mobillie自己的纸币的未能发行,所有这些情况充分说明为什么该公司的股息会减少。在这家规模巨大的骗人的康采恩以往所有的报告书中,都是把以股份工业公司代替个人的工业企业吹嘘成这个康采恩的特点和革新。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十二卷)》,1962:225

3. In 1855, the Crédit Mobilier was just about emitting 240,000,000 of francs in such obligations, an issue authorized by its statutes, when “the exalted wisdom” of the Tuileries cut short the operation. Such an issue of fiduciary money the Crédit Mobilier calls augmenting its capital; common people are more likely to call it augmenting its debts. The forced halt, then, imposed on the Crédit Mobilier by the Government in March, 1856, the competition of the Sociétés en Commandite, the financial crisis, and the non-issue of its own paper money, all these circumstances will sufficiently account for the fall of its dividends. In all former reports of this great swindling concern, the substitution of industrial joint-stock companies for private industry has been trumpeted as the specialty, and novelty of the institution. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 15), 1986: 275-276.


例句 1:
In order to achieve wide protection of Act against Restraints on Competition(Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschrnkungen), Konzern is seen as a single one in this framework. The coordination between their respective companies no longer belong to the protection of this law, and thus be entirely free from the regulation of The Federal Cartel Office(Bundeskartellamt).

例句 2:
The pattern of the German enterprises groups is of the Concern and the paper summarizes the governance mechanism and advantages of its governance mechanism and supervising system.

例句 3:
Associated (or affiliated)enterprises age the association(or affiliation)of the assets by some independent enterprises through the contract or other forms.





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