

字词 庸俗经济学


vulgar economics; vulgar political economy


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 118.




卡尔•马克思.资本论(第一卷) [M].北京:人民出版社,2004.


1. 这样,对于庸俗经济学来说,积累问题就变为个别科学的一个细节问题。它几乎同整个资本主义的命运毫无联系,它的解决由马克思的“公式”的正确性充分保证了,而马克思的“公式”至多——象在奥托·鲍威尔那里一样——必须“合乎时代地”加以改进。借助这些公式,原则上决不能理解经济现实,因为这些公式的前提是这整个现实的一种抽象(把社会看成好象它只是由资产者和无产者构成似的),所以,这些公式只能用于说明问题,作为提出正确问题的跳板,对于这一切,鲍威尔和他的伙伴们都不理解,正象当初李嘉图的学生们不理解马克思主义对问题的提法一样。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:81-82

1. It thus becomes an isolated question for the vulgar economists, a question unconnected with the ultimate fate of capitalism as a whole. The solution to the problem is officially guaranteed by the Marxist “formulae” which are correct in themselves and need only to be “brought up to date”—a task performed e.g. by Otto Bauer. However, we must insist that economic reality can never be understood solely on the basis of these formulae because they are based on an abstraction (viz. the working hypothesis that society consists only of capitalists and workers). Hence they can serve only for clarification and as a springboard for an assault on the real problem. Bauer and his confreres misunderstood this just as ghastly dance of death, into the inexorable march of Oedipus to his doom. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 31-32.

2. 接下来,马克思又摘录了萨伊关于交换价值与效用、生产费用,以及生产要素和消费的几段文字。显然,马克思这时还无法弄清萨伊在资产阶级政治经济学史中的地位,特别是由萨伊所开启的庸俗经济学的理论意向。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:162

2. Next, Marx takes several paragraphs of excerpts from Say’s discussion of exchange value, utility, cost of production, elements of production, and consumption. It is plain to see that Marx was, as yet, unable to clearly see Say’s place in the history of bourgeois political economy, nor was he able to make out the theoretical intentions of vulgar economics that Say had introduced. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 118.

3. 波格丹诺夫先生的《教程》的突出优点,正在于作者始终坚持了历史唯物主义。他在说明某一个经济发展时期的时候,通常总是结合该经济制度的根本特点,来“叙述”政治制度、家庭关系和社会思想的主要派别。作者在阐明了某一经济制度怎样产生一定的社会阶级划分之后,就说明这些阶级在那个历史时期的政治、家庭、精神生活各方面的表现,说明这些阶级的利益怎样反映在一定的经济学派中,例如主张自由竞争的学派就反映了资本主义上升发展时期资产阶级的利益,而庸俗经济学派(第284页),即辩护学派,则反映了晚期资产阶级的利益。——《列宁全集(第四卷)》,1984:3

3. The outstanding merit of Mr. Bogdanov’s Course is that the author adheres consistently to historical materialism. In outlining a definite period of economic development in his “exposition” he usually gives a sketch of the political institutions, the family relations, and the main currents of social thought in connection with the basic features of the economic system under discussion. The author explains how the particular economic system gave rise to a certain division of society into classes and shows how these classes manifested themselves in the political, family, and intellectual life of that historical period, and how the interests of these classes were reflected in certain schools of economic thought, for example, how the interests of developing capitalism were expressed by the school of free competition and how, at a later period, the interests of the same class were expressed by the school of vulgar economists (284), the apologist school.-Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1977: 48-49.


例句 1:
Evolution rationalism, in Hayeke, establishes above the human discusses ignorantly with the knowledge dispersion discusses, this nothing but is vulgar economics free market theory in the philosophy variety .

例句 2:
The methodology of economics is a theoretical study of the economics method. Since the emergence of economics, the creating of a theory the pointing of a theory view there are methods to adapt to their accompanying. Marx divides economics into two stages of development of classical economics and vulgar economics,and criticizes the vulgar economics from the angle of methodology. In the branch of economics system is increasingly perfect refinement of today how to treat the judgment of Marx of vulgar economics is particularly important,it relates to the attitude that we treat the modern western economics and the construction of socialist economics which has China characteristics. From t





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