

字词 布尔什维主义




[1] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 131.
[2] Bolsheviks. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolsheviks




В. М. 梅茹耶夫.马克思主义与布尔什维主义[J].林艳梅译.马克思主义与现实,2011(6).


1. 但是,托洛茨基影的衰落还取决于下述比政治局内部斗争更重大的因素:内战已经结束,军事人民委员都不再是人们注目的中心,托洛茨基的特殊行政才干也不再需要了。在政治局委员中,托洛茨基是唯一一个新近被吸收加入布尔什维主义的成员,势单力薄,在党组织中没有独立的权力基础。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:122

1. But the waning of Trotsky’s influence was determined by larger factors than internal rivalries in the Politburo. With the Civil War at an end, the Commissariat of War was no longer at the centre of attention and Trotsky's particular administrative élan no longer in demand. Alone of the Politburo members Trotsky, a late recruit to Bolshevism, had no independent power base in a party organisation. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 131.

2. 在俄国社会民主工党第二次代表大会(1903年8月)上,火星派发生了分裂:其中的多数派拥护旧《火星报》的原则和策略,少数派则转向机会主义,得到《火星报》从前的敌人“经济派”和崩得分子的支持。由此产生了布尔什维主义和孟什维主义(布尔什维克和孟什维克)的名称。——《列宁全集(第二十二卷)》,1990:298

2. At the Second Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. (August 1903), the Iskrists split: the majority stood for the principles and tactics of the old Iskra, while the minority turned to opportunism, and was backed by the one-time enemies of Iskra, the Economists and the Bundists. Hence the terms Bolshevism and Menshevism (Bolsheviks and Mensheviks). -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 18), 1978: 485.

3. 在俄国社会民主运动的历史上,这种情况是屡见不鲜的。上一世纪90年代初期,随着马克思主义在革命运动中的胜利,出现了一种面目全非的马克思主义,即当时的“经济主义”或“罢工主义”,“火星派”如果不同它作长期斗争,就不能捍卫无产阶级理论和政策的基础,反击小资产阶级民粹主义和资产阶级自由主义。布尔什维主义的遭遇也是这样。它在1905年的群众性工人运动中取得了胜利,其原因之一是它在1905年秋天,在俄国革命进行最重要的搏斗的时期正确地运用了“抵制沙皇杜马”的口号。——《列宁全集(第二十八卷)》,1990:115

3. That has happened time and again in the history of the Russian Social-Democratic movement. In the early nineties, the victory of Marxism in the revolutionary movement was attended by the emergence of a caricature of Marxism in the shape of Economism, or “strikeism”. The Iskrists would not have been able to uphold the fundamentals of proletarian theory and policy, either against petty-bourgeois Narodism or bourgeois liberalism, without long years of struggle against Economism. It was the same with Bolshevism, which triumphed in the mass labour movement in 1905 due, among other things, to correct application of the boycott of the tsarist Duma slogan in the autumn of 1905, when the key battles of the Russian revolution were being fought. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 23), 1974: 28.


例句 1:
辩证法是布尔什维主义革命政治的“形而上学”。它赋予了革命政治存在以“绝对权力”,但也造就了革命之形而上学“宿命”。 必然性与自由意志、阶级意识、党和领袖与群众等辩证关系不仅构成革命政治现实生成的结构性前提,也构造了革命“政治——知识”精英们对于人民大众的“表达权”和“代表权”,导引出后革命时代的苏维埃政治社会中的唯意志论、极权与个人崇拜之滥觞。——“马克思主义与布尔什维主义”,载于《马克思主义与现实》2011年第6期
The dialectics of philosophy is the metaphysics of the revolutionary politics of Bolshevism. It gives the absolute power of the revolutionary politics, but also to give the revolution a metaphysical “fate”. Necessity and free will, the class consciousness, the party, leaders and the masses, those constitute the structural premise of practical formation of the revolutionary dialectics. But it also opens up the beginning of voluntarism, totalitarian and personal worship, and constructs the powers of the political-intellectual elites to express the people and to represent the people.

例句 2:
In “the formation and development of Marxism” period, Kautsky made outstanding contributions to promoting the popularization of Marxism, established his position within the party by writing “Erfurt Programme interpretation”, paid attention to and studied land issues, criticized Bernsteinism





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