

字词 平等的自由的原则


the law of equal liberty; the law of equal freedom


Law of equal liberty. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_equal_liberty


平等的自由的原则,一是指罗尔斯指出的对正义原则的“平等的自由”。罗尔斯力图“描述一个满足正义原则的社会基本结构,并考察正义原则所产生的义务和责任”(约翰· 罗尔斯,1988:185)。“罗尔斯在《正义论》第二编中,以‘平等的自由’为切入点,‘考察正义原则所产生的义务和责任’。他首先用正义原则四个阶段的序列来阐明平等的自由是否可能以及如何可能,然后阐释了两个正义原则必须同时运用,才能确保对自由与良心的平等自由实现。同时,他强调,相对于平等而言,自由更具有优先性。在此,罗尔斯对正义原则的运用,就体现为在自由得以保障条件下的实现平等的一种制度设计”(孙彤等,2010:16)。一是指一种在一个国家所遵循的民主的、每个公民都享有的原则、理念。平等原则、自由原则可以用在法律中,也可以用在社会生活中等领域,是许多国家普遍遵循的原则。平等的自由的原则是古典自由主义的基本准则。虽然历代学者对该原则的定义众说不一,但该原则可基本概括为“法律面前人人平等”(Law of equal liberty. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_equal_liberty)。平等的自由的原则强调,法律确认和保护公民在享有权利和承担义务上处于平等的地位,不允许任何人有超越于法律之上的特权。实际上,早在欧洲文艺复兴时期,新兴资产阶级思想家的先驱便提出了“人权”的思想。资产阶级启蒙思想家约翰·洛克(John Locke)在1689年出版的《政府论(下篇)》(Second Treatise of Government)中提出,人类天生都是自由、平等和独立的,所有人在法律面前具有同等的权利,有权享受同等的公民自由。1789年法国《人权宣言》正式确认了这一原则,明确规定“法律是公共意志的表现”,“在法律面前,所有的公民都是平等的”,即“在权利方面,人们生来是而且始终是自由平等的”。这种法律上的平等具体表现为:①全体公民“都有权亲身或经由其代表去参预法律的制定”;②“法律对于所有的人,无论是施行保护或处罚都是一样的”;③他们可以按其能力担任一切官职、公共职位和职务,除德行和才能上的差别外不得有其他差别。1791年的法国宪法以根本法的形式肯定了这些原则。法国《人权宣言》和法国宪法所确认的这种关于法律面前人人平等的原则,在反对封建专制和等级特权,促进资本主义经济关系的发展上,适应了当时历史发展的客观需要,后来被欧美等资本主义国家广泛采用,成为资本主义法制的一项重要内容(法律面前人人平等. via:


[1] 约翰·罗尔斯.正义论[M].何怀宏,何包钢,廖申白译.中国社会科学出版社,1988.
[2] Law of equal liberty. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_equal_liberty
[3] 法律面前人人平等. via:


1. 平等是法国的用语,它表明人的本质的统一、人的类意识和类行为、人和人的实际的同一,也就是说,它表明人对人的社会的关系或人的关系。因此,德国的破坏性的批判,在以费尔巴哈为代表对现实的人进行考察以前,力图用自我意识的原则来铲除一切确定的和现存的东西,而法国的破坏性的批判则力图用平等的原则来达到同样的目的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:48

1. Equality is the French expression for the unity of human essence, for man's consciousness of his species and his attitude towards his species, for the practical identity of man with man, i.e., for the social or human relation of man to man. Hence, just as destructive criticism in Germany, before it had progressed in Feuerbach to the consideration of real man, tried to resolve everything definite and existing by the principle of self consciousness, destructive criticism in France tried to do the same by the principle of equality. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975: 39.

2. 在这个布尔乔亚王国中,一切光天化日下的社会关系都是自由、平等和博爱的。齐泽克是想说,奴役和拜物教真的消失了吗?不是。在资本主义生存中,人第一次获得了自己的表面自主性,人成为了人。可能这就是马克思曾经说过的政治解放中在消除了最后的动物性之后的“将人还给人”。可是,统治和奴役不是真的被消除,而是被更深地压抑在人的存在内部,形式上、表面上的平等、自由遮蔽着更深刻的隐性暴力。用席斯敏的话来说,叫“甜蜜的暴力”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:376-377

2. In this bourgeois kingdom, any social relation in the sun is of freedom, equality and universal fraternity. Zizek wants to ask the question: “does slavery and fetishism really disappear?” No. In the capitalist survival, man obtains superficial autonomy and becomes a man for the first time. Perhaps it is what Marx means when he says “to return man to man” after elimination of the last animality in man’s political liberation. However, control and slavery are not really erased, but repressed deeper in man's existence. The apparent equality and freedom only mask a more intense, but hidden force, namely, “sweet vio1ence.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 485-486.

3. 伟大的俄国革命开始了!我们已经经历了这个革命的懔然可畏的第一幕,这一幕在形式上是以十月十七日的宣言结束的。“受命于天”的专制沙皇在革命人民面前低下了他那“戴着皇冠的头”,答应人民实现“确定不移的公民自由的原则”……——《斯大林全集(第一卷)》,1953:144

3. The Great Russian Revolution has started! We have already passed through the first stormy act of this revolution, an act whose formal close was the Manifesto of October 17. The autocratic tsar “by the grace of God” bowed his “crowned head” to the revolutionary people and promised them “the unshakable foundations of civil liberty” … -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 1), 1954: 195.


例句 1:
In his book A Theory of Justice,Rawls puts forward two basic principles: “liberal equality principle and difference principle”. Based on these two principles, he develops his theory of “justice”.

例句 2:
Nevertheless, since the justice as fairness is only applicable to the basic structure of society and the equal freedom principle is lexically prior to the difference principle, the difference principle is underdetermined.

例句 3:
The theory of liberty is of great importance in Rawls’ philosophy. From the ideal of moral personality, Rawls draws a distinction between basic liberties and non-basic liberty, and emphasizes the negative liberties in liberal tradition. By distinguishing basic liberties from the worth of them, and using the first principle to guarantee the equal basic liberties and the different principle to insure the fair value of basic liberties for everyo





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