

字词 正确的义利观


The greater good and self-interest; sound values of justice and benefit


[1] 正确的义利观.中国关键词.via:http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/china_key_words/2014-11/18/content_34085512.htm
[2] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 328




[1] 王泽应.正确义利观的深刻内涵、价值功能与战略意义[J].求索,2014(11),25-30
[2] 正确的义利观.中国关键词.via:http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/china_key_words/2014-11/18/content_34085512.htm


1. 做好外交工作,胸中要装着国内国际两个大局,国内大局就是“两个一百年”奋斗目标,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦;国际大,维护国家主权、安全、发展利益,维护世界和平稳定、促进共同发展。要找到利益的共同点和交汇点,坚持正确义利观,有原则、讲情谊、讲道义,多向发展中国家提供力所能及的帮助。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:299

1. To do good diplomatic work, we must keep our eye on the situation both at home and abroad. Our domestic focus is to realize the Two Centenary Goals and the Chinese Dream; our international objectives are to strive for favorable external conditions for China’s reform, development and stability, to safeguard state sovereignty, security and development interests, and to maintain world peace and stability, and promote common development. We should seek common ground and find converging interests, stick to sound values of justice and benefit, hold to principles that we can act upon, cherish friendship and righteousness, and offer any assistance to developing countries that is within our means.-Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 328-329.

2. 中国有义务对贫穷的国家给予力所能及的帮助,有时甚至要重义轻利、舍利取义,绝不能惟利是图、斤斤计较。正确义利观承继了中国外交的优良传统,体现了中国特色社会主义国家的理念。——《中国关键词》,2016.

2. China has the obligation to provide assistance to poor countries within the limits of its own resources. It is sometimes necessary to work for the greater good at the expense of self interest and fulfill this obligation despite an unfavorable calculus in financial terms. A healthy approach to the relationship between the greater good and self-interest is grounded in China's tradition of diplomacy, and embodies the values we cherish.–Quoted from Keywords to Understand China, 2016.

3. 中国坚持正确义利观,积极参与气候变化国际合作。多年来,中国政府认真落实气候变化领域南南合作政策承诺,支持发展中国家特别是最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家、小岛屿发展中国家应对气候变化挑战。——《携手构建合作共赢、公平合理的气候变化治理机制——在气候变化巴黎大会开幕式上的讲话》,2015

3. China upholds the values of friendship, justice and shared interests, and takes an active part in international cooperation on climate change. Over the years, the Chinese government has earnestly fulfilled its policy commitments of South-South cooperation regarding climate change to support developing countries, especially the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing states, in confronting the challenge of climate change.-Quoted from Work Together to Build a Win-Win, Equitable and Balanced Governance Mechanism on Climate Change—At the Opening Ceremony of The Paris Conference on Climate Change, 2015.


例句 1:
To establish a correct concept of justice and benefit, not only conducive to better adjust the rela-tions of production, solve the contradiction formed in the rapid development of economy in the process of the sharp and complex, more conducive to construct good social harmonious order in our country, so as to better and more strongly pro-mote productivity development.

例句 2:
So this paper analyzes the same and different point between Confucius and Mencius to study the essence of Confucian benefit idea, meanwhile, puts forward lots of meaningful enlightenment of building correct personal loyalty based on it.

例句 3:
Confucian views on righteousness and benefit includes combination of righteousness and benefit, righteousness controlling benefit, righteousness outweighing benefit. Nowadays, it is of v





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