

字词 社会主义改革


socialist reform


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 9) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 82.




[1] 孙海.中国马克思主义基本问题研究[M].中国言实出版社,2014. 
[2] 社会主义改革.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=ldyho4EHp5MbjhdiWRh9zFCwYBHuZIcO1yjCAQzlCdIcluZsIuOMXhcI3qxo0HApU0w_SJrqPMgtgqj9L8rWz_9aGTAFAcg-Upe6cPLETiQHMdNJz61fbdYp_j1GmjRZKB5R5uy5T90nyGbmN5XkTq


1. 只有在一种情形下,就是说,只有在革命蔓延到实现到社会主义的条件已经相当成熟的西欧先进国家去的时候,社会民主党才应当主动地努力夺取政权,并且尽可能长久地把政权保持在自己手里。在这种情形下,俄国革命有限的历史范围就能大大扩大,那时就有可能走上社会主义改革的道路。——《列宁全集(第十一卷)》,1987:65

1. Only in one event should Social-Democracy on its own initiative direct its efforts towards seizing power and holding it as long as possible- namely, in the event of the revolution spreading to the advanced countries of Western Europe, where conditions for the achievement of socialism have already reached a certain [?] degree of maturity. In that event the limited historical scope of the Russian revolution will arise of entering on the path of socialist reforms. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 9), 1977: 82.

2. 我们不准备谈细节问题,不谈所谓政权可能“落”到一个把夺取政权看座有害策略的自觉的政党手里来的荒唐设想,不谈欧洲实现社会主义的条件不是已经达到相当成熟的程度,而是已经完全成熟,也不谈我们的党纲不提任何社会主义改革,而只提社会主义革命。——《列宁全集(第十一卷)》,1987:65

2. We shall not dwell on details; on the absurd assumption that power could “fall” into the hands of a class-conscious party which considers seizure of power harmful tactics; on the fact that in Europe the conditions for socialism have reached not a certain degree of maturity, but maturity in general; on the fact that our Party programme knows no socialist reforms, but only the socialist revolution. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 9), 1977: 82.

3. 人们认为,布尔什维主义不过是俄国士兵疲惫的产物,是被战争弄得筋疲力尽的俄国士兵不满情绪的爆发,一旦这种不满消失,一旦缔结了和约,哪怕是最带强制性的和约,国家建设和社会主义改革方面的一切尝试就会遭到挫败。——《列宁全集(第三十五卷)》,1985:117

3. It had seemed to be only a result of the fatigue of the Russian soldiers, an outburst of discontent on the part of the war-weary Russian soldiers; it had seemed that as soon as this discontent had passed and peace had established, even a peace of the most coercive character, all steps towards building a new state and towards socialist reforms would have been crushed. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1974: 117.


例句 1:
In the early days of the reform the Chinese decision makers began a well-organized and systematic investigation of the conditions in various countries. The investigation of advanced countries such as the US, Japan and West European nations gave a direct impetus to the introduction of advanced management expertise and gave rise to a re-understanding of contemporary capitalism and its economic achievements. The investigation of the Soviet Union and East European countries focused on drawing wisdom in theory and experience of socialist reform.

例句 2:
The flourishing of the study of socialist value and its core values,, is rooted in the practice of China’s reform and opening up.

例句 3:
The present paper, based on the historical background against which Mao Ze-dong put forward his theory of socialist reform, expounds the guiding ideology, theoretical base, basic view point and the major contents contained; analyzing the reason





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