

字词 建构


construction; construct (n.); to construct


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:629.
[2] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 129.






1. 第一个理论建构是十分关键的。它标志着马克思开始在《巴黎笔记》中第一次完整地从总体上驾驭经济学,我认为这种理论统摄是由哲学逻辑投射的。这实际上是整个《巴黎笔记》的一个重大理论飞跃。我将这次理论飞跃称为马克思在失语状态中捕获到的一种新话语的灵光。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:176

1. The first theoretical construct is extremely important. It represents the first time in Paris Notes that Marx develops a holistical grasp of economics. I believe that this theoretical consolidation is projected by philosophical logic. This is, in fact, a very important theoretical leap in Paris Notes. This theoretical leap represents a new level of insight attained from Marx’s voiceless state. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 129.

2. 依马克思此时之见,资产阶级社会中的信用业是人自我异化的极端表现,但这种人的颠倒却得到了资产阶级国民经济学的肯定,并且,在一种“对人给予高度承认的假象”下得到证实:第一,信贷这种人格的信任和肯定只提供给已经富裕的资本家,所以作为穷人的工人只能作为这种人格的对立面而被否定;第二,工人不仅不会作为人得到经济上的信用和积累的实际机会,而且“还在道德上判决他不配得到信任,不配得到承认,因而是社会的贱民,坏人”;第三,由于货币在信用业中仅仅是观念的存在,所以异化就开始发生在非实在的人格中,“人不得不把自己变成赝帀,以狡诈、谎言等手段来骗取信用”;第四,信用业在银行业中的完成,也是货帀的完成,它不过说明了资产阶级国家的本质是“商人的玩物”。我们从中应该能发现,此时青年马克思已经开始非常深入地介入经济学领域,可是马克思并没有打算真的以经济学的理论规范去面对这个他的枪口直指着的布尔乔亚世界。这支枪,正是哲学人本主义!总之,在第一个理论建构中,马克思是从哲学的角度来评论经济学的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:180-181

2. According to Marx’s opinions at this point in time, the credit industry in bourgeois society is an extreme expression of man’s self-alienation. However, this inversion of man is accepted by the bourgeois national economy, confirmed “under the appearance of an extreme economic appreciation of man.” First, credit, this personification of trust and acceptance is only provided to the already-wealthy capitalists; thus poor workers can only be rejected as the opposing this personification. Second, workers not only cannot obtain economic trust and accumulated opportunities as people, “but in addition, a pejorative moral judgment that he possesses no trust, no recognition, and therefore is a social pariah, a bad man.” Third, because money only exists nominally in the credit industry, alienation begins to take place in the non-substantive human person, and “[man] has to make himself into counterfeit coin, obtain credit by stealth, by lying, etc.” Fourth, the perfection of the credit industry in the banking industry is also the perfection of money, demonstrating only that the essence of bourgeois nations is the “plaything of merchants.” From this analysis we can see that at this time, young Marx was already beginning to delve deeply into the field of economics, though Marx was not yet planning to oppose the bourgeois world truly using the theoretical standards of economics. What he did use as his weapon against the bourgeoisie was philosophical humanism. In short, in the first theoretical construct, Marx criticizes economics from the perspective of philosophy. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 132-133.

3. 只有在写作《1857—1858年经济学手稿》时,马克思才可能完成真正分析解决这一资本主义社会生产关系的颠倒问题的任务。很明显,马克思从最初的对经济研究中的一个具体问题的哲学论说出发,开始实现一种总体理论逻辑上的飞跃,从对货帀的异化现象的关注,升华为对交换这一整个资产阶级经济关系异化的研究。这样,马克思此时的理论研究就具有了崭新的意义,因为他开始有意识地建构自己的经济异化理论的完整逻辑框架了。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:180-181

3. It was not until Grundrisse that Marx was able to truly complete the analysis and resolution of the problem of inversion in capitalist society’s relations of production. It is evident that beginning from the philosophical explication of a specific question in his earliest study of economics, Marx began to realize a leap in terms of the totality of his theoretical logic. From his study of the alienation of money Marx moved to the study of exchange, the alienation of bourgeois social relations as a whole. Thus Marx’s theoretical research began to take on a whole new significance, because he was beginning to consciously construct the entire logical framework of his theory of economic alienation. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 135.


例句 1:
Benton constructs his system of ecological Marxism based on the eco-centrism.

例句 2:
The fourth chapter, mainly to Japan's right-wing views on national history investigation under the vision of constructing national identity.

例句 3:
Furthermore, the paper proposed to conduct forensic accounting obligation system, which is based on ethical responsibility, leaded by civil liability, centered with criminal liability and supplemented by administrative responsibility should be built to promote the sustainable development of forensic accounting.





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