

字词 党的纲领


the Party’s programme; the Party Programme


[1] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 2005, 78.
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 18) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1978: 464.




[1] 列宁.列宁全集(第二十卷)[M].人民出版社,1989.
[2] 袁忠信,姜道伦.论坚持党的纲领的理性基础[J].西安政治学院学报,2002(2).
[3] 王晓平,赵荣.关于党的纲领的若干思考[J].甘肃理论学刊,2002(6).


1. 列宁和马尔托夫对党章第一条提出了不同的草案。列宁的草案说,只有“承认党纲、在物质上帮助党并且参加党的一个组织”的人才是党员。而马尔托夫宁肯说,作为一个党员应“接受党的纲领,既在物质上又在党的一个组织的监督和指导之下定期工作来支持党。”——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,1998:72-73

1. Lenin and Martov proposed different drafts of Article 1. Lenin's read that a party member was one who accepts the Party's programme and supports the Party both financially and by personal participation in one of its organisations'; whereas Martov preferred to say that a member ‘accepts the Party's programme and supports the Party both financially and by regular work under the control and direction of one of the Party organisations'. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction: 2005, 78.

2. 我们党是社会民主主义的党。这就是说,我们党有自己的纲领(运动的最近目的和最终目的),有自己的策略(斗争方式)和自己的组织原则(结合形式)。纲领观点、策略观点和组织观点的一致是我们党赖以建立的基础。只有这些观点的一致才能把党员结成一个集中的党。如果观点的一致被破坏了,党也就要瓦解的。所以只有完全承认党的纲领、策略和组织原则的人才能称为党员,只有足够理解和完全承认我们党的纲领、策略和组织观点的人才能参加我们党的队伍,同时也就是参加无产者大军的领导者队伍。——《斯大林全集(第一卷)》,1953:47

2. Our Party is a Social-Democratic Party. This means that it has its own programme (the immediate and the ultimate aims of the movement), its own tactics (methods of struggle), and its own organisational principle (form of association). Unity of programmatic, tactical and organizational views is the basis on which our Party is built. Only the unity of these views can unite the Party members in one centralised party. If unity of views collapses, the Party collapses. Consequently, only one who fully accepts the Party’s programme, tactics and organizational principle can be called a Party member. Only one who has adequately studied and has fully accepted our Party’s programmatic, tactical and organisational views can be in the ranks of our Party and, thereby, in the ranks of the leaders of the proletarian army. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 6), 1954: 65.

3. 反对党的纲领(维护民族文化自治,修改第三届杜马土地法,把建立共和国的口号挪到次要地位等等)。——《列宁全集(第二十二卷)》,1990:284

3. Against the Party Programme (defence of cultural national autonomy, revision of the agrarian laws enacted by the Third Duma, shelving the slogan of a republic, and so on). -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 18), 1978: 464.


例句 1:
Yan’an Spirit, the basis of which is communist belief, is the important base of keeping the Party’s banner progressiveness, Yan’an Spirit, the core of which is serving the people heart and soul, is the focus presentation of keeping the Party’s aim progressiveness, Yan’an Spirit, the essence of which is seeking truth from facts, is inner requirement of keeping the Party’s programme progressiveness, and Yan’an Spirit, the important content of which is independence and hard work, is the very guarantee of keeping the party’s body progressiveness.

例句 2:
The Party’s programmes reflect its nature and stipulate its historical missions and objectives. To maintain its progressiveness and preserve the unity of the minimum and maximum programmes, we should make unremitting efforts in a down-to-earth manner to realize the Party’s basic programme for the current stage.

例句 3:





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