字词 | 推理 |
释义 | 推理【英】inference; reasoning; conclusion译文来源[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1470. 定义由一个或几个已知判断推出另一个新判断的思维形式。例如,“所有客观事物都是运动的,地球是客观事物”,所以,“地球是运动的”。毛泽东曾在《实践论》中提到:“我们普通说话所谓‘让我想一想’,就是人在脑子中运用概念以作判断和推理的工夫”(毛泽东,1991:285)。组成推理的判断有两种:一种是已知的作为推理出发点的判断,叫前提(或理由),一种是推出的新判断,叫结论。如“所有客观事物都是运动的,地球是客观事物”是前提,“地球是运动的”是结论。已知的判断与要推出的新判断之间必须有一定关系,这种关系就是前提与结论间的逻辑关系,具体表现为各种不同的推理形式,简称论式。推理是凭借推理形式将前提和结论两部分联结而构成的思维形式。因此,前提、结论、推理形式被称为推理三要素(王海传,1999:87)。推理的种类有很多,根据思维进程方向不同,可将推理分为演绎推理、归纳推理、类比推理。根据推理的前提和结论之间是否由前提必然地推出结论,可将推理分为必然性推理(由前提必然推出结论)、或然性推理(由前提不能必然推出结论)。根据推理中前提数量的不同,可分为直接推理(前提由一个判断构成)和间接推理(前提由两个或两个以上判断构成)。根据推理前提所含的判断是简单判断还是复合判断,可分为简单判断的推理(前提由简单判断构成)和复合判断的推理(前提至少包含一个复合判断的推理)。根据推理的前提是否包含模态判断,可分为模态推理(前提至少包含一个模态判断的推理)和非模态推理(前提不包含模态判断的推理)(王海传,1999:90)。 定义来源[1] 王海传.逻辑学[M].中国农业大学出版社,1999. 例句1. 如果我们接受这种推理方法,就会把诸如福山(Fukuyama)的“历史终结论”这样的思想斥为一厢情愿的想法。自由主义—资产阶级民主从未取得最终的胜利,恰如福山声称的那样,它在苏联帝国崩溃后只是获得了暂时的优势,从而激起了进步目的的新接合所提出的挑战。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:44 1. If we accept this line of reasoning, then ideas such as Fukuyama’s ‘end of history’ can be dismissed as so much wishful thinking. Liberal–bourgeois democracy never finally triumphs, as Fukuyama claims it has in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet empire, it just gains a temporary ascendancy which invites challenge by new articulations of progressive intent. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 28. 2. 当谈到“趋势规律”(laws of tendency)时,循环推理和伪装的目的论继续闲扰着马克思主义理论。这样一些规律是马克思主义思想所固有的东西,找不到任何合理的证明—例如在如下信念中:利润率在资本主义制度下将会逐步下降,或资本主义将会在内部矛盾的重压下崩溃。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:86 2. Circular reasoning and disguised teleology continue to plague Marxist theory when it comes to ‘laws of tendency’. No justification can be found for such laws, which are deeply entrenched within Marxist thought – as in the belief that the rate of profit will progressively decline under capitalism, or that capitalism will collapse under the weight of its internal contradictions. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 55. 3. 辩证逻辑和旧的纯粹的形式逻辑相反,不象后者满足于把各种思维运动形式,即各种不同的判断和推理的形式列举出来和毫无关联地排列起来。相反地,辩证逻辑由此及彼地推出这些形式,不把它们互相平列起来,而使它们互相隶属,从低级形式发展出高级形式。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:566 3. Dialectical logic, in contrast to the old, merely formal logic, is not, like the latter, content with enumerating the forms of motion of thought, i.e. the various forms of judgment and conclusion, and placing them side by side without any connection. On the contrary, it derives these forms out of one another, it makes one subordinate to another instead of putting them on an equal level, it develops the higher forms out of the lower. -Quoted from Marx & Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 504. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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