

字词 财产关系


property relation


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1988: 10.


财产关系是生产关系的法律用语,指在法律上被确认的所有制关系,包括经过法律确认的生产资料所有制关系和生活资料归属权关系(李淮春等, 1996:58)。财产关系和生产关系是辩证统一的,二者既相互联系,又相互区别。“生产关系是不依人的意志为转移的客观经济关系,它构成社会的经济基础。财产关系是生产关系在法律上的表现形式,属于上层建筑。生产关系决定财产关系,财产关系则使生产关系得到法律的确认和保护,不同性质的生产关系会得到不同性质的国家法律的确认和保护,因而就有不同性质的财产关系”(周隆宾,1993:276)。在阶级社会中,财产关系往往表现为阶级关系,是统治阶级利益和意志的体现。“生产关系从根本上决定财产关系,但这要通过立法来实现,表现为法律条文,并且受到国家政权的保护和控制”(李淮春等, 1996:58)。在法学意义上的财产关系,一般包括财产所有关系和财产流转关系,“二者紧密相联,前者是后者发生的前提,后者是实现前者的方法。财产所有关系与财产流转关系经法律确认后,形成物权、债权等法律关系”(《简明华夏百科全书》总编辑委员会,1998:328)。


[1] 李淮春.马克思主义哲学全书[Z].中国人民大学出版社, 1996.
[2] 周隆宾.社会历史观大辞典[Z].山东人民出版社,1993.
[3] 《简明华夏百科全书》总编辑委员会.简明华夏百科全书(1)[Z].华夏出版社,1998.


1. 在今天,同批评传统的财产关系相比,无神论本身是一种很轻的罪。但在这方面,进步仍然是无可怀疑的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:12

1. Now-a-days atheism itself is culpa levis, as compared with criticism of existing property relations. Nevertheless, there is an unmistakable advance. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1988: 10.

2. 在这样的社会发展中,分工所导致的“社会活动的这种固定化,我们本身的产物聚合为一种统治我们的、不受我们本身控制的、与我们的愿望背道而驰的并抹煞我们打算的物质力量”——马克思在此还专门作了一个特设说明——“是过去历史发展的主要因素之一”。在后面的第三章中,马克思将这种外部力量更准确地定位为“一切实际的财产关系的真实基础”的生产关系,但是“在分工的范围里,这些关系必然取得对个人来说是独立的存在”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:437

2. In this kind of social development, Marx explains that “this fixation of social activity, this consolidation of what we ourselves produce into an objective power above us, growing out of our control, thwarting our expectations, bringing to naught our calculations, is one of the chief factors in historical development up till now.” In the later third chapter, Marx more precisely defines this external force as production relations that are “the true basis of all real property relations”; however, “within the division of labour these relations are bound to acquire an independent existence over against the individuals.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 340.

3. 其次,关于这个问题恩格斯还说:“我们永远也不能许诺小农给他们保持个体经济和个人财产去反对资本主义生产的优势力量。我们只能许诺他们说,我们不会违反他们的意志而用强力干预他们的财产关系。”——《列宁全集(第三十五卷)》,1985:203

3. “Neither now nor at any time in the future can we promise the small-holding peasants to preserve their individual property and individual enterprise against the overwhelming power of capitalist production. We can only promise them that we shall not interfere in their property relations by force, against their will.” -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1974: 202.


例句 1:
His “legality” gave explanation on how to explain the relations of production and property relations law, “the economic foundation-superstructure”, the orthodox interpretation of the defense.

例句 2:
The growth of social wealth and the basic requirements of patriarchal kinship are the fundamental reasons for the transformation of family and marriage, especially the status of women in social life.

例句 3:
Marx is due to material or property produce real insight into the division and division of labor development degree constraint is the realistic foundation of division of different historical periods and social forms, thus divided scientifically and correctly describes the development of human society in different times.





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