

字词 财产税


property tax; property taxation


[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1972: 498.
[2] 刘伟,梁小民,雎国余,杨云龙.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994:291.






1. 斯卡尔金坚决反对连环保、身分证制度以及农民“村社”(和小市民社团)对其成员们的宗法式权力。在第三篇特写中(1867年),他坚决主张废除连环保、人头税和身分证制度,主张必须实行平等的财产税制度,用免费的和无期限的证明来代替身分证。——《列宁全集(第二卷)》,1984:389

1. Skaldin is a bitter foe of collective responsibility, of the passport system, and of the patriarchal power of the peasant “community” (and of the urban community) over its members. In the third essay (1867) he insists on the abolition of collective responsibility, the poll tax and the passport system, on the necessity for an equitable property tax, and on the replacement of passports by free and permanent certificates. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2), 1972: 498.

2. 代表会议声明,士兵粮饷的来源不应当靠发行使资本家发财的公债,而应当取自向资本家征收的高额所得税和财产税。——《列宁全集(第二十九卷)》,1985:262

2. The Conference declares that the money for the soldiers’ upkeep should be raised not by loans, which only enrich the capitalists, but by imposing high income and property taxes on the capitalists. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1974: 165.

3. 其次,这样的步骤就是对所有的银行实行国家监督,把它们联合成一个统一的中央银行,同时对保险机关和资本家的最大的辛迪加(如糖厂主的辛迪加、煤业公司、五金公司等等)也实行国家监督,逐步实行更合理的累进所得税和累进财产税。——《列宁全集(第二十九卷)》,1985:443

3. The next steps are the establishment of state control over all banks, and their amalgamation into a single central bank; also control over the insurance agencies and big capitalist syndicates (for example, the Sugar Syndicate, the Coal Syndicate, the Metal Syndicate, etc.), and the gradual introduction of a more just progressive tax on incomes and properties. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1974: 311.


例句 1:
The property tax system based on the rental value and the corresponding assessment system stemmed from UK and the British nations and regions, and they are still playing the important roles in UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.

例句 2:
There has been much research work directed by Chinese scholars on property tax reform since it was put forward by Chinese government. We review some dimensions of the literatures from 2003 to 2010.

例句 3:
This paper, based on the context of tax structural deduction, explains the economic effect, principle of commodity tax, income tax and property tax, and examines the impact of tax structure and residents' consumption..





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