

字词 虚假意识


false consciousness


Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. London: Routledge, 2001: 96.


虚假意识是指歪曲反映现实和掩盖本阶级经济利益的那部分社会意识。本来虚意识是指剥削阶级意识形态虚幻地反映现实并被描绘成惟一合理的和有普遍意义的意识,是《德意志意识形态》中的经典概念。但是匈牙利哲学家卢卡奇在《历史与阶级意识》认为,虚假性、幻想的含义是清楚明白的,但虚假意识在结构上和方式上有所区别,需要具体考察历史总体方面和历史过程阶段的虚假意识。卢卡奇认为,虚假意识掩盖真相,让人们忽视社会进化本质,阻止了阶级意识的形成。卢卡奇还认为,统治阶级的意识形态常常掩盖本阶级的经济利益,仅仅成为宣传口号和旗帜,特别是资产阶级为了少数人利益进行统治时,需要欺骗其他阶级,这种虚假的意识甚至变成刻意捏造的意识。卢卡奇指出,无产阶级要从虚假意识中解脱出来,形成自己的阶级意识。要想做到这一点,必须揭露资产阶级意识的虚伪性,即使在虚假意识的背景下和虚假意识形态的欺骗下,也总是要追求真理。无产阶级必须能通过理解辩证的发展过程,正确领会自己的历史使命(via: http://3y.uu456.com/bp_2lt197r3gu570pk9t1rd_1.html)。


via: http://3y.uu456.com/bp_2lt197r3gu570pk9t1rd_1.html


1. 意识形态国家机器能够相当随意地操控我们,创造出那种维护相关意识形态的稳固统治所必需的意识。后马克思主义对这种思想提出了强烈的反对,拉克劳—墨菲和利奥塔尤为质疑那种由虚假意识所促进的人性观。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:150

1. Ideological State Apparatuses are able to manipulate us pretty much at will, creating the kind of consciousness required to maintain the relevant ideology securely in power. Post-Marxism will register strong objections to this idea, with Laclau-Mouffe and Lyotard in particular challenging the vision of human nature that false consciousness promotes. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2014: 96.

2. 恩斯特·布洛赫对表现主义的辩护也与马克思主义美学中日益占支配地位的现实主义传统背道而驰。这使他与卢卡奇产生了冲突,因为在卢卡奇看来,布洛赫在艺术上犯了展示虚假意识的错误。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:136

2. Ernst Bloch’s defence of expressionism also ran counter to the increasingly dominant realist tradition in Marxist aesthetics, bringing him into conflict with Lukács, for whom Bloch was guilty of exhibiting a form of false consciousness with regard to art. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 87.

3. 就“纯洁的”工人阶级是一种谬论而言,社会主义没有其他真正的选择,只有尽可能积极地参与到“后一”世界的争论之中,对传统主义作出尽可能少的让步,尤其是对如下传统主义(在铁杆左翼那里仍然繁荣发展)作出尽可能少的让步:它以阶级和政党规定了一种统一的政治路径,并且这种统一不可以简单地称为“虚假意识”的结果。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:17

3. Given that a ‘pure’ working class is a fallacy, socialism has no real option but to enter into the debates of the post-world with as much spirit, and as few concessions to traditionalism, as it can—especially the traditionalism (still flourishing on the ‘hard left’) that specified a unity of approach to politics in both class and party terms, and where that unity was not found simply labelled the result ‘false consciousness’. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 11.


例句 1:
The first one is the relation between ideology and the false consciousness. The thesis points out that the concept of ideology is different from the false consciousness, although the character of ideology is of illusion and inversion. The second topic is the relation between ideology and the superstructure. This topic includes two subordinate issues, among which the relation between ideology and the idealistic superstructure is the main one.

例句 2:
From the view of Marx and Engels, ideology has negative meaning both as "false consciousness" and "class consciousness". But in the works of Marx, it has the concept of "neutral ideology". It showed that people had realized the conflicts between productivity and relations of production, and they attempted to overcome it in concept.

例句 3:
Marxist regards consumer culture as an ideology which is applied by the ruling class to preserve their in





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