

字词 本质主义




[1] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 297.
[2] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 67.
[3] Essentialism. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essentialism


本质主义是哲学用语,即认为任何事物都有某种本质属性或内在属性,且这种本质属性或内在属性可以通过思维去把握和认知。本质主义要求人们要透过事物的表面现象去认识事物的本质。流行于哲学史上的一般观点认为,相同类型的事物是具有相同的内在结构,而这种相同的内在结构就是该事物的内在属性或本质属性。相同类型事物的相同内在结构作为该事物的本质属性或内在属性是稳定的,即不会轻易发生变化。亚里士多德认为,本质属性和偶性是相联系的,如果某一事物的本质属性被抽取,则该事物的性质就会发生根本性改变;与此相反,如果该事物某一种偶性被抽取,则该事物的性质不会发生变化。洛克提出实在本质和名义本质的区分。当代哲学家普特南则认为,事物的意义和事物的本质有着紧密的关系,因而事物的称谓或名词应与该事物本质相适应。普特南举例水的分子式作为水的本质,无论哪种语言的代表水的称谓都实际上指代水的本质,哪怕是这些称谓或名称是使用者并不清楚这一点。克里普克则认为, 语言表达式意义就在于其指称对象的本质属性。这就是说,事物的必然性在于必然地具有其本质属性,而人们对这种必然性的本质是后天地知道的,我们只不过是后天地认识某一事物的本质属性或内在属性罢了,而这一本质属性或内在属性是先于我们的认知而存在的。克里普克进一步指出,要区分“先天真理”和“必然真理”。传统形而上学的问题在于把“先天”和“必然”这两个重要范畴联结在一起,看不到先天范畴是认识论的范畴,而后天范畴是本体论的范畴(金炳华等,2001:71)。




1. 施蒂纳自以为是地宣告,“我把我的事业放在我自己、唯一者身上,那么我的事业就放在它的易逝的、难免一死的创造者身上”,“我把无当作自己事业和基础”。对于利己主义者来说,无是最高贵的。新人本主义的逻辑设定已经呈现于此。反对人神,反对一切本质主义,强调此在和有死者。我认为,施蒂纳的不少思考与后来尼采和海德格尔的如出一辙,甚至还差一点“属于”后现代的阵营!——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:386

1. Stirner arrogantly proclaims: “If I concern myself for myself, the unique one, then my concern rests on its transitory, mortal creator, who consumes himself, and I may say: All things are nothing to me.” For the egoist, “nothing” is the most precious. The logical proposition of neo-humanism appears as such: opposition to God, opposition to all essentialism, emphasis on present existence and mortality. I believe that many of Stirner’s ideas, as well as those of Nietzsche and Heidegger, almost “belong” with post-modernism. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 297.

2. 在过去那种归一式的本质主义认知结构中,永远只是历史性认知结果的概念将自己完全假定为对象本身,因此,概念(本质)的非历史呈现就是对对象粗暴的切除术,那些并没有进入概念中的东西被严重遮蔽了。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:40

2. In the previous oneness-oriented essentialist cognition, the concept, forever as the result of historical cognition, assumes itself as the object itself. Therefore, unhistorical representation of concept (essence) is to excise the object crudely. Those which don’t enter into the concept have been thus severely shadowed. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 67.

3. 阶级主体地位仍然是经典马克思主义中风险最大的研究领域之一,例如卢卡奇很快发现了所付出的代价。与大多数后结构主义思想家一样,由于对于本质主义的偏见,拉克劳和墨菲深深怀疑固定的主体地位(我们在其他地方发现,继拉康与齐泽克之后,拉克劳为“作为匮乏主体的主体”进行了辩护)。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:24

3. Class subject position is to remain one of the riskiest areas of enquiry in classical Marxism, as Lukács is soon to discover to his cost. In common with the majority of post-structuralist thinkers, Laclau and Mouffe are deeply suspicious of fixed subject positions, with their essentialist bias (elsewhere we find Laclau, following on from the work of Lacan and Zizek, arguing the case for ‘the subject as the subject of the lack’). -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 15.


例句 1:
This text from mode of thinking angle this,return and get philosophy among the text,on essentialism form and query of thinking,course that surmount been made and combed.

例句 2:
亚里士多德的本体论通常被叫做本质主义,他也是第一个对本质这一哲学概念进行系统分析、系统论证的哲学家,因此被视为古典本质主义的源头。——《 罗蒂反本质主义思想探析》,山东师范大学硕士学位论文,2010
Aristotle's ontology is usually called essentialism, he is also an essential first systematic analysis of the philosophical concept, the system demonstrated the philosopher, is seen as the source of classical essentialism.

例句 3:
At the essence of traditional philosophy and the dominant way of thinking,ignoring the people becomes a widespread tendency.





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