

字词 正统的马克思主义


orthodox Marxism


Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: XXIII.






1. 众所周知,早在20世纪20年代以前,西方马克思学的学者就指出,青年马克思(《共产党宣言》)与老年马克思(《资本论》)之间是有区别的。而在1924—1932年,当包括《德意志意识形态》在内的一大批1845年以前的马克思早期论著(《青年在选择职业时的考虑》、《德谟克利特的自然哲学与伊壁鸠鲁的自然哲学的差 别》及其准备材料、《波恩笔记》、《柏林笔记》和《克罗茨纳赫笔记》、《黑格尔法哲学批判》手稿与《1844年手稿》等)公开问世后,西方马克思学的学者立刻提出了一种新的理论标注:在《1844年手稿》中“新发现的马克思”,即“人道主义的马克思”是马克思学说中的最高峰(“最有价值的人 学的青年马克思”);而《资本论》时期及以后的马克思则是“停滞”与“衰退”的马克思(老年马克思)。后者也被指认为从恩格斯直至斯大林以后的所谓正统马克思主义的理论依据。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:3

1. It is common knowledge that as early as the 1920s, Western Marxologie scholars had already begun to identify the dichotomy between “young Marx” (represented by the Communist Manifesto) and “mature Marx” (represented by Capital). Thus, between 1924 and 1932, when The German Ideology as well as a large number of Marx’s pre-1845 early works were published (including Reflections of a Young Man on the Choice of a Profession, Difference Between the Democritean and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature as well as literature he prepared while writing it, Bonn Notes, Berlin Notes, Kreuznach Noises, the manuscript of Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, and the 1844 Manuscripts etc.), Western Marxologie scholars immediately began suggesting a new theoretical label. They dubbed the “newly discovered Marx,” or the “humanist Marx” found in the 1844 Manuscripts the epitome of Marxist philosophy, claiming that the humanist young Marx was the most valuable. On the other hand, to the mature Marx of Capital, they assigned such labels as stagnant and declining. The philosophy of the mature Marx was also seen as the theoretical basis for orthodox Marxism, upheld by communist leaders from Engels to Stalin. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: XXII-XXIII.

2. 但这些观点不过是把恩格斯的观点通俗化了而已。普列汉诺夫最重要的贡献是为俄国革命的发展奠立了一种正统的马克思主义的参照视角。如同大多数“西方化”了的俄国马克思主义者,普列汉诺夫看不到俄国和西方之间的根本区别,但他刚刚转向马克思主义以后所写的两本篇幅很长的小册子——《社会主义和政治斗争》及《我们的意见分歧》——却确立起了直到19世纪末为止在这一领域中的正统学说(尽管这两本小册子遭到了恩格斯的冷遇)。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:68

2. But these views did little more than popularise Engels: Plekhanov’s most important contribution was the laying down of an orthodox Marxist perspective for the development of the revolution in Russia. As the most ‘Westernising’ of the Russian Marxist, Plekhanov saw no fundamental difference between Russia and the West. His two lengthy pamphlets—Socialism and the Political Struggle and Our Differences—written immediately after his conversation to Marxism, established (in spite of their cool reception by Engels) the orthodox doctrine in this domain until the end of the century. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 74.

3. 德里达的这种看法有何根据?说激进化的马克思的批判精神就是解构,这显然只是一种逻辑架座。问题的实质在于,德里达所理解的马克思的批判精神是经过他自己那个解构理论中介了的东西。他公开承认自己不信仰马克思主义,“我并不是一个马克思主义者”,或者说从来不是一个“正统的马克思主义者”!可他却坚持认为,自己解构理论之中俨然存活着马克思的批判精神.——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:302-303

3. On what is this view based? To say that the radicalization of Marx’s critical spirit is deconstruction is obviously a logical structuralization. Above all, Derrida’s understanding of Marx’s critical spirit is mediated by his theory of deconstruction. He openly admits that “I am not a Marxist,” or “not an orthodox Marxist”. But he insists that his own deconstruction theory seems to exhibit a living critical spirit of Marxism. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 396.


例句 1:
Western Marxist dialectics came into being in the debate between its founders and the Second International revisionism and the “orthodox” Marxism.

例句 2:
马克思、恩格斯逝世以后,第二国际的理论家们自称是 “正统的马克思主义” 的继承者,并把马克思主义进行了歪曲的解释。——“作为方法的马克思主义——论青年卢卡奇的正统马克思主义观”,载于《苏州教育学院学报》2010年第3期
After the death of Marx and Engels, the Second International theorists, who named themselves the so-called successors of “orthodox Marxism”, explained the Marxism falsely and distortedly.

例句 3:
In History and Class Consciousness, Lukacs attempted to elaborate an orthodox Marxism, and he also tried to become the orthodoxy Marxist. However, he did not succeed, but deviated from Marxism.





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