

字词 死的本能


death instinct


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1394.
[2] Death Instinct. via: http://www.deathreference.com/Da-Em/Death-Instinct.html




[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 张国华.博克维茨心理健康思想解析[M].浙江教育出版社,2013.


1. 马尔库塞以一种乌托邦的情怀,预见到一个新社会,在其中,劳动将被某种有美感的游戏所取代,这种审美游戏般的劳动最终将消灭死的本能力量。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:281

1. In a utopian vein, Marcuse anticipated a society in which labour would be replaced by an aesthetic kind of play which would finally destroy the power of the death instinct. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 296.

2. 马尔库塞不同于威尔海姆·赖希(Wilhelm Reich,马尔库塞对他极少关注),他拥护弗洛伊德晚近的理论。他坚持认为,弗洛伊德的本能论完全是唯物主义的,并认为他对死的本能的看法能够洞穿现代社会的矛盾性。但是马尔库塞不是悲观主义者,在他看来,死的本能目标在于一种涅槃,即达到一种无(情)欲的状态。情欲产生于紧张,而紧张状态是阶级社会所特有的流行病。如果这种紧张状态可以缓解,那么死的本能力量也必定能够减弱。抑制死的本能和增进爱欲,只有在提倡多方式的性满足和普遍的“里比多”(性)释放的社会中才能达到。这包含废除一夫一妻制的性器官主权至上论。马尔科赛摈弃弗洛伊德关于无压抑的文明是不可能的观点。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:281

2. Unlike Wilhelm Reich (to whom Marcuse paid extraordinarily little attention) Marcuse welcomed the later doctrines of Freud. He insisted that Freud’s theory of instincts was thoroughly materialist and endorsed the idea of the death instinct as capable of penetrating the ambivalent nature of modern society. But Marcuse was not pessimistic; in his view, the death instinct aimed at a kind of Nirvana, a state of non-desire. Desire was produced by tension and tension was endemic to class society. If this tension could be reduced, then so would the power of the death instinct. The limitation of the death instinct and the enhancement of Eros could be achieved only in a society which encouraged polymorphous sexual gratification and wide spread libidinal release. This involved the abolition of monogamic genital supremacy. Marcuse rejected Freud’s view that a non-repressive civilization was impossible. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1988: 295-296.


例句 1:
弗洛伊德认为, 生本能与死本能是两种并存对立的本能。——“弗洛伊德的本能理论及其当代道德意义”,载于《中共山西省党委校学报》,2008年第1期
According to Freud, life instinct and death instinct are two opposite instincts existing side by side.

例句 2:
Shiga Naoya is one of the most important representatives of Shirakaba School in modern Japanese literary history. His only masterpiece Walk at Night attracted critics great attention after being published. Taking Freud’s theory of death instinct and the correlation theory as the cutting-in point, this article intends to make a profound probe into the minds of the main character Tokitou Kensaku and interpret his innerworld. In some degree, this novel reflects one’s death instinct.

例句 3:





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