

字词 殖民




Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1979: 371.


殖民是一个大国在国外寻求并获得对经济上、政治上和文化上不发达地区的占有权的过程。从15世纪开始,在重商主义原则的刺激下,以英国葡萄牙西班牙为首欧洲国家在南、北美洲、亚洲以及各大洋的岛屿上获得了大片殖民地。1870年以后的第二次工业革命引起的帝国主义扩张又使得这些帝国主义国家在非洲、澳大利亚以及亚洲尚未沦为殖民地的地区取得了大片殖民地。1898年美西战争以后,美国广泛地参加了殖民活动。殖民反映出殖民国与被殖民国家、地区的强弱反差,殖民国的移民在殖民地大多比当地居民享有优越的政治权力,有着明显的人种歧视、民族歧视。对原居民的人格和尊严有着极大的伤害。殖民地的宗教、文化、经济和生产力在殖民的影响下一般会产生较大的提高,这也往往成为 殖民者堂而皇之的借口,他们以给殖民地带了文明,带来了先进文化,带了先进的工具等自居,甚至以救世主自居,以此掩盖其侵略、掠夺、剥削、压迫的本质,掩盖其本身错误的立足点,是一种典型的强盗逻辑。从这个意义上说,殖民地民众是不会领情的。一旦民众的民主意识觉醒,一旦民族意识被激化,殖发地独立的斗争就越来越尖锐,殖民地的格局和成果以及人生、财产也甚至被极端的做法毁灭,造成巨大的损失。(殖民.via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E6%AE%96%E6%B0%91&prd=button_doc_entry)




1. 第二个时期开始于17世纪中叶,并一直持续到18世纪末。这是工场手工业进一步发展的阶段。与此同步发展的是由殖民主义商业交往所开辟出来的“世界市场”与商业和航运的发展。此时,工场手工业仍然是脆弱的,依赖于商业的扩大或缩小。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:444

1. The second period began in the mid-17th century and continued until the end of the 18th century. This was a period of further development of manufactures. Beginning at the same time was the development of commerce and shipping, as well as a “world market” opened by the commerce of colonization. At this time, manufactures were still weak, subject to the expansion or contraction of commerce. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 346.

2. “我认为,正如理智在提醒我们一样,正义感也责成我们等待采取措施,这些措施将使农业、殖民活动和航运的利益得到以往曾遭到无理拒绝给予的那种满足(笑声);这些良好的措施的使命就是结束长期地斗争。”——《马克思恩格斯全集(第八卷)》,1961:436

2. "We are bound in justice, as well as, I think, directed by policy, to wait until those measures are produced which are to give to the agricultural interest, to the colonial interest, to the shipping interest, all the compensation of which they have hitherto been unjustly deprived [laughter]—those admirable measures which are to put an end to a long contest." -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11), 1979: 371.

3. 举例而言,比如对现今每天电视广告中不厌其烦地炫示的汽车和数码相机的性能,普通老百姓绝对不可能说出一句“不”字。今天推荐影像机,明天可能就展示VCD的优越性,而后天,我们将看到高清晰度的DVD。当每个家庭里充斥各种无用的电器时,在不断消失又不断生成的新景观背后,俨然晃动着资本家点着钞票仰天大笑的身影。如是,即为景观无声的暴力性,景观的逻辑,是幕后隐遁的资本的殖民逻辑。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:94

3. (For instance, the average people can never say no to the tireless demonstration of the functions of the cars and digital cameras in the daily TV commercials. The video recorder may be promoted today, and the excellence of VCD may be displayed tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow we will be given a DVD with high definition. When all kinds of useless electric appliances fill each and every family, the capitalists behind the ever-disappearing and ever-generating spectacles laugh their heads off with money in their pockets. Such is the mute violence of the spectacle, with its logic being the invisible colonial one.) -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 139.


例句 1:
This article presents the author’s explanations on three concepts: Sinicization, colonization and Empire, which have been constantly discussed in the international field of Chinese history.

例句 2:
The other is a kind of view which is similar to the “oppression-resistance”. In this view, the nativist illustrates that countries and nations resist cultural colonization or academic colonization of dominant countries.

例句 3:
The studies indicate that as the social structure was altered by ethnicity, customary law, indirect rule, and the forced labor system, the colonization actually caused drastic social changes in Africa.





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