

字词 武装斗争


armed struggle


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1976: 381.
[2] Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 298.


武装斗争是指为达到一定的政治、经济目的,组织和使用武装力量进行的斗争,包括战争和战争以外的武装冲突,它发生于不同的阶级、民族、国家和政治集团之间。其中,被压迫阶级、被压迫民族的武装斗争,是推翻反动统治、抵御外来侵略、争取解放的主要手段(武装斗争.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5897026-6109920.html)。(1)武装斗争是革命的最高形式,是阶级斗争的必然产物。奴隶反抗奴隶主的运动、农民反抗地主阶级的运动、无产阶级反抗资产阶级的的运动、个别国家之间在非战争状态下发生的武装冲突、剥削阶级之间为了各自的利益发生的武装冲突与战争,都属于武装斗争。马克思、恩格斯指出巴黎公社的经验就是用武装的人民彻底打碎资产阶级的国家机器。列宁认为,“国内战争在任何阶级社会里都是阶级斗争的自然的继续,发展和尖锐化”,“在尖锐的经济政治危机的一定时期,阶级斗争就会发展成公开的国内战争,即两部分人之间的武装斗争。在这样的时期,马克思主义者应该主张国内战争”。(2)武装斗争是被压迫人民和被压迫民族争取独立和解放的必要条件,更是中国革命的基本经验之一和革命特点之一。这一理论观点,在中国共产党人把马克思主义的普遍原理和中国革命的具体实践相结合中得到了丰富和发展。毛泽东指出:“枪杆子里面出政权”,“在中国,离开了武装斗争,就没有无产阶级的地位,就没有共产党的地位,就没有革命的胜利”(毛泽东,1991:544)。统一战线、党的建设、武装斗争成为中国革命斗争中战胜敌人的“三大法宝”。中国的武装斗争的实质是无产阶级领导的农民战争。


[1] 武装斗争.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5897026-6109920.html
[2] 毛泽东.毛泽东选集(第二卷)[C].人民出版社,1991.


1. 然而他们从1830年的经验中懂得,单靠武装斗争是不够的;在击溃敌人以后还必须采取措施来巩固自己的胜利,这些措施不仅要摧毁资本的政治力量而且还要摧毁它的社会力量,不仅要保证工人的政治力量而且还要保证他们的社会福利。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷)》,1958:401

1. But they know from the experience of 1830, that mere fighting will not do; that the enemy once beaten, they must establish measures that will guarantee the stability of their conquest; that will destroy not only the political, but the social power of capital, that will guarantee their social welfare, along with their political strength -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1976: 381.

2. 在抗日战争的初期,党内犯右倾机会主义错误的同志轻视党所领导的游击战争,而把自己的希望寄托于国民党军队的作战。毛泽东曾在《抗日游击战争的战略问题》、《论持久战》和《战争和战略问题》等著作中,驳斥了这种观点,并在本文中把长时期内中国革命的武装斗争采取游击战争形式的经验,作了理论上的总结。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》, 1991: 614

2. In the early days of the anti-Japanese war, those Party comrades who committed the error of Right opportunism belittled the guerrilla warfare led by the Party and pinned their hopes on the operations of the Kuomintang army. Comrade Mao Tse-tung refuted their views in his “Problems of Strategy in Guerrilla War Against Japan”, “On Protracted War” and “Problems of War and Strategy”, and in the present article he gave a theoretical summing-up of the experience gained in waging the prolonged armed struggle of the Chinese revolution which took the form of guerrilla warfare. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 298.

3. 他们说:“……在党的宣传和鼓动工作中,应当加紧注意研究十二月起义的实际经验,注意以军事观点批判它并吸取直接的教训以供将来参考”,“应当更加努力扩充战斗队,改善它们的组织并供给它们各种武器。同时经验证明,不但应当组织党员战斗队,而且应当组织接近党的和完全非党的战斗队……”“由于日益增长的农民运动在最近的将来可能爆发为整个的起义,我们最好是努力把工人和农民的行动统一起来,以便尽可能组织共同的和同时的战斗发动……”所以,“由于新的政治危机日益增长和尖锐化,从武装斗争的防御形式过渡到进攻形式已有可能”……必须同士兵一起“……以最坚决的进攻行动反对政府……”等等(见布尔什维克的决议)。——《斯大林全集(第一卷)》,1953:202.

3. They said that “…in the Party’s propaganda and agitation activities concentrated attention must be given to studying the practical experience of the December uprising, to criticising it from the military point of view, and to drawing direct lessons from it for the future,” that “still more energetic activity must be developed in augmenting the number of fighting squads, in improving their organisation and supplying them with weapons of all kinds and, in conformity with the lessons of experience, not only should Party fighting squads be organised, but also squads of sympathisers with the Party, and even of non-Party people…” that “in view of the growing peasant movement, which may flare up into a whole uprising in the very near future, it is desirable to exert efforts to unite the activities of the workers and peasants for the purpose of organising, as far as possible, joint and simultaneous military operations…” that, consequently, “… in view of the growth and intensification of another political crisis, the prospect is opening for the transition from defensive to offensive forms of armed struggle…” that it is necessary, jointly with the soldiers, to launch “… most determined offensive operations against the government…” etc. (see the resolution of the Bolsheviks). -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 1), 1954: 278.


例句 1:
The overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia carried on Anti-Japanese armed struggle, Anti-Japanese underground movements and published Anti-Japanese secret journals.

例句 2:
Yun Daiying was not only one of the outstanding leaders of the CPC who were the first to realize the importance of armed struggle but also one of the pioneers and founders of the people’s army and its political work.

例句 3:
The foundation of two of the principles that have been later hailed as the three magic weapons — united front, armed struggle and party building — was laid down during the period of Chen Duxiu’s leadership.





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