

字词 绝对概念


absolute concept


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 272.




[1] 冯契.哲学大辞典(上)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2011.
[2] 逻辑学辞典编辑委员会.逻辑学辞典[Z].吉林人民出版社,1983.


1. 至于谈到我们的“唯一的”作者,很明显,他的天才的基础就是构成他的特殊的思维绝技的许多突出优点。因为]所有这些优点我们在前面已经作了详细的说明,所以这里只把其中最主要的几点简单地开列一张清单就够了:思维的肤浅、杂乱无章,不能掩饰的笨拙,无尽无休的重复,经常的自相矛盾,不成譬喻的譬喻,企图吓唬读者,用“你”“某物”“某人”这些字眼来系统地剽窃别人的思想,滥用连接词(“因为”“所以”“因此”“由于”“因而”“但是”等等),愚昧无知,拙劣的断言,庄严的轻浮,革命的词藻和温和的思想,莫知所云的语言,妄自尊大的鄙陋作风和卖弄风骚,提升听差兰特为绝对概念,依赖黑格尔的传统和柏林的方言。总之,整个四百九十一页的一部书就好像是按照朗福德的方法所煮出来的一碗淡而无味的杂碎汤。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1956:305

1. [In the case of our] “unique” author, it is a matter [of course that] the basis of his [genius lies] in the brilliant [series of personal] advantages [which constitute] his special [virtuosity] of thought. [Since] all these advantages have already been extensively demonstrated, it suffices here to give a brief summary of the most important of them: carelessness of thought--confusion--incoherence--admitted clumsiness--endless repetitions--constant contradiction with himself--unequalled comparisons--attempts to intimidate the reader--systematic legacy--hunting in the realm of thoughts by means of the levers “you”, “it”, “one”, etc., and crude abuse of the conjunctions for, therefore, for that reason, because, accordingly, but, etc.--ignorance--clumsy assertions--solemn frivolity--revolutionary phrases and peaceful thoughts--bluster--bombastic vulgarity and coquetting with cheap indecency--elevation of Nante the loafer to the rank of an absolute concept--dependence on Hegelian traditions and current Berlin phrases--in short, sheer manufacture of a thin beggar's broth (491 pages of it) in the Rumford manner. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 272.

2. 黑格尔不是简单地被放在一边,恰恰相反,上面所说的他的革命方面,即辩证方法,是被当做出发点的。但是这个方法在黑格尔的形式中是无用的。在黑格尔那里,辩证法是概念的自我发展。绝对概念不仅是从来就存在的 (不知在哪里?),而且是全部现存世界的真正的活的灵魂。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965:336

2. Hegel was not simply put aside. On the contrary, his revolutionary side, described above, the dialectical method was taken up. But in its Hegelian form this method was no use. According to Hegel, dialectics is the self-development of the concept. The absolute concept does not only exist--unknown where--from eternity, it is also the actual living soul of the whole existing world. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1990: 383.

3. 这种意识形态的颠倒是应该消除的。我们重新唯物地把我们头脑中的概念看做现实事物的反映,而不是把现实事物看做绝对概念的某一阶段的反映。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965:337

3. This ideological perversion had to be done away with. We comprehended the concepts in our heads once more materialistically—as images of real things instead of regarding the real things as images of some or other stage of the absolute concept. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1990: 383.


例句 1:
Firstly, this paper began with comparing their theoretical source of self consciousness: Hagel’s self-consciousness is obtained from sensibility, perception and intellectuality of cognition and certainty of consciousness, which is human’s abstract performance. It eventually evolved into the abstract ration and absolute knowledge, which finally developed into absolute concept and absolute spirit. In Marx doctoral thesis, he showed self-consciousness activity by using three motion modes of atoms and explained the sameness of objective and subjective self-consciousness with atoms’ self-being and self-making.

例句 2:
But the definition of “absolute” can be clarified by the analysis of internal affinity among Hegel’s concept of “absolute”, Spinoza’s theory of substance, Schelling’s identical ideology of subject and object and Fichte’s self-thought.

例句 3:
在认知语法的框架下,本文认为不管从哪个标准出发,非宾格动词和非作格动词的语义都可以归结为Langacker所提出两种观察事件的视角的对立,即绝对概念观照(absolute construal)和能量概念观照(





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