字词 | 丑化 |
释义 | 丑化【英】uglification; to mutilate译文来源[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:606. 定义与“美化”相对。丑化在美学上“主要指通过艺术的加工,将美的事物歪曲、涂饰成为丑的,或将丑恶事物的本质充分揭示出来,愈显其丑”。它还是文学艺术的一种创作手法,多用于喜剧、漫画等讽刺作品(余源培,2009:261)。“古希腊柏拉图在《理想国》中提出:音乐等艺术的教育可以浸入心灵的最深处,‘如果没有这种适合的教育,心灵也就因而丑化。’后发展为使事物变丑的方法、手段、过程。丑化作为人的一种行为,体现了一定的目的”(金炳华,2001:176)。丑化有四种形态:“(1)通过集中、概括、渲染、夸张,将本来丑的、恶的事物加以典型化,突出、强化其中丑的或恶的因素,揭示其丑的或恶的本质,使之更丑;(2)通过发隐抉微,将潜在的、可能的丑开掘、展现出来,使之成为现实的、显现的丑,或将原来不甚丑的事物变成较丑的事物;(3)在现代艺术、幽默艺术或语言戏谑中,故意扭曲、丑化对象的某些外部特征,以反衬、突出、强化其内质的美;(4)通过歪曲、捏造,把本来不丑甚至荚的事物加以任意改变,描绘成丑的”(朱立元,2014:52)。 定义来源[1] 余源培.哲学辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2009. 例句1. 相反地,书报检查官正是我自己的、被深谋远虑的警察为我人格化了的机智,也就是我自己的、与我的不机智和非批判性进行斗争的那种机智。从外表看来,在卑劣的感性看来,作家和书报检查官的斗争只不过是与作家内心的自相斗争不同的一种东西。如果我把书报检查官当做真正的、单个的、不同于我的存在物,当做用外部的极不相称的标准来丑化我的精神创造物的警察刽子手,那末,这样的书报检查官正是群众想像的结果,是非批判的幻想。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:105 1. The censor is nothing but my own tact personified for me by the solicitous police, my own tact struggling against my tactlessness and un-Criticalness. The struggle of the writer with the censor is only seemingly, only in the eyes of wicked sensuousness, anything else than the inner struggle of the writer with himself. Insofar as the censor is really individually different from myself, a police executioner who mishandles the product of my mind by applying an external standard alien to the matter in question, he is a mere mass-type fantasy, an un-Critical figment of the brain. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975: 83. 2. 马斯洛夫用他对土地肥力递减这一“自然规律”所持的彻底资产阶级的观点,究竟把地租理论丑化到了什么地步,从下面这段马斯洛夫用黑体刊出的话中也可以看得很清楚,他说,“如果在同一块土地上连续投资,实行集约经营,能够有同样的生产效率,那么争夺新土地的竞争就会马上消失,因为除了生产费用外,运输费用也是要加在粮食价格上的。——《列宁全集(第十六卷)》,1988:270-271 2. The degree to which Maslov mutilates the theory of rent from his purely bourgeois point of view of the “natural law” of diminishing returns can be seen from the following tirade, which he gives in italics: “If successive outlays of capital on the same plot of land, leading to intensive farming, were equally productive, the competition of new lands would immediately disappear; for the cost of transport affects the price of grain in addition to the cost of production”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 13), 1978: 306. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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