

字词 产业资本


industrial capital; production capital


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engel. Marx & Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36) [C]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1998: 169.
[2] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 27.




[1] 马克思.资本论(第二卷)[M].北京人民出版社,2004.
[2] 产业资本.via:http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E4%BA%A7%E4%B8%9A%E8%B5%84%E6%9C%AC


1. 不管一个产业资本的构成怎样,不管它推动的是四分之一死劳动,四分之三活劳动,还是四分之三死劳动,四分之一活劳动,以致在一个场合比在另一个场合吸收大两倍的剩余劳动,生产大两倍的剩余价值,——假定劳动的剥削程度相等,并且把个别的、会自行消失的差别撇开不说,因为在这两个场合,我们所指的只是整个生产部门的平均构成,——它在这两个场合都会提供相等的利润。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五a卷):资本论》,1974:190

1. Whatever the composition of an industrial capital, whether it sets in motion one-quarter of congealed labour and three-quarters of living labour, or three-quarters of congealed labour and one-quarter of living labour, whether in one case it absorbs three times as much surplus labour, or produces three times as much surplus value than in another—in either case it yields the same profit, given the same degree of labour exploitation and leaving aside individual differences, which, incidentally, disappear because we are dealing in both cases with the average composition of the entire sphere of production. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36): Capital, 1998: 169.

2. 商人资本的独立发展与资本主义生产的发展程度成反比例;商业资本和高利贷资本愈发展,产业资本(=资本主义生产)就愈不发展,反过来说也是如此。 ——《列宁全集(第三卷)》,1984:157

2. The independent development of merchant’s capital is inversely proportional to the degree of development of capitalist production, the greater the development of merchant’s and usurer’s capital, the smaller the development of industrial capital (=capitalist production), and vice versa. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1977: 184.

3. 民粹派认为在俄国不可能发展资本主义,因为工资太低无法扩大国内市场,列宁不同意这样的看法,他论证说,俄国已经是资本主义的了。在某些地方,马克思所概述的高利贷资本和商业资本阶段早已为产业资本、即直接运用于生产系统中的资本所取代,而产业资本的下一个阶段也已出现在地平线上。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:70

3. In opposition to the Populists, who argued that capitalist development was impossible in Russia, because wages were too low to allow the home market to expand, Lenin argued that Russia was already capitalist. The stage of usury capital and merchant capital outlined by Marx had already been superseded in some places by manufacturing capital-capital applied directly to the productive system and the next stage of industrial capital was already on the horizon. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 77.


例句 1:
Since joining the WTO, China’s film industry has just started its capital management system, and along with the foundation of the market economy system, China’s film industry also started its industrialization reform gradually.

例句 2:
From large of angle, capital in the social may be divided into financial capital and industrial capital (non-financial capital) two aspects. Though the role of market mechanism, combination of industrial capital and financial capital on quantity of expansion, and quality of improvement has a significant impact.

例句 3:
One of the important objectives of China’s fast and sound economic growth is to keep  the second industry grow steady and rapidly. This goal entails resurveying the issue  of capital investment in second industry from a strategic perspective and taking increase in the number of capital investment in the secondary industry and its efficiency as t





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