

字词 劳动产品


product of labour


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1990: 265.


劳动产品是指人类劳动创造出来的社会产品,包括用于生产消耗和生活消费的全部物质资料。人类的经济实践已表明,人类劳动会产生两类成果:一类是以实物形式存在的劳动成果即实物劳动成果。它们都由基本粒子构成,都具有静止质量、一定的体积和不可人性等属性。粮食、木材、牲畜、水产品、以及钢铁、机械、衣物、楼房、煤气、自来水、电力等都具有这些特性,可称之为实物产品。另一类是不以实物形式存在的劳动成果即非实物劳动成果。它们具有不可触摸、无静止质量、无体积、无基本粒子等非实物属性。司机、店员、教员、医生、演员、导游、律师、话务员等给人们提供的服务,都有这些特性。它们虽然都是能被人们感知的客观实在,但不像实物劳动成果那样具有人们可以触摸的形体。这些非实物劳动成果,称之为服务产品(李江帆,2003:8)。劳动产品不同于商品,其区别主要体现在:首先,商品用于交换,有价值;其他物品、劳动产品不用于交换,没有价值。其次,劳动产品、商品都可以满足人们的某种需要,都具有使用价值。商品必定是劳动产品。在一定条件下可以互相转化,一种劳动产品只要能够满足人们的某种需要,并用于交换,它就成了商品(劳动产品.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E5%8A%B3%E5%8A%A8%E4%BA%A7%E5%93%81)。


[1] 李江帆.劳动、劳动产品与劳动价值论的再认识[J].中国经济问题,2003(3).
[2] 劳动产品.via:


1. 在野蛮时代高级阶段,进一步发生了农业和手工业之间的分工,从而发生了直接为了交换的、日益增加的一部分劳动产品的生产,从而使单个生产者之间的交换变成了社会的迫切需要。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965:189

1. The upper stage of barbarism introduced a further division of labour between agriculture and handicrafts, resulting in the production of a continually increasing portion of products of labour directly for exchange, so that exchange between individual producers reached the point where it became a vital necessity for society. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1990: 265.

2. 到20世纪50年代中期,在传统的小农经济中一切可能达到的改进显然都已达到,因此,需要迈出激进的新步伐。一定的农村合作社的基础已经显现在土地和劳动产品的公有化上,也体现在复杂的、广泛推广的大规模灌溉系统上——这些灌溉系统原本存在了许多世纪。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:229

2. By the middle 1950s it was evident that all the improvements possible under the traditional system of small plots had been achieved, and that a radical new departure was necessary. A certain basis for the cooperatives was already present in the common ownership of some land and collaborative production in the villages, and in the complicated and widespread systems of irrigation that had existed for centuries. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 238.

3. 马克思说过:“人们在劳动中的社会关系始终表现为他们本身之间的个人关系,而没有披上物之间即劳动产品之间的社会关系的外衣。”然而这一点就意味着,合理机械化的和可计算性的原则必须遍及生活的全部表现形式。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:153

3. “The labour,” Marx observes with reference to pre-capitalist societies, “appear at all events as their own personal relations, and are not disguised under the shape of social relations between the products of labour.” But this implies that the principle of rational mechanization and calculability must embrace every aspect of life. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 91.


例句 1:
Discussing on the distribution of the social total product from personal necessary labor, social necessary labor, surplus labor, this thesis advances the view of combining the distribution according to work, capital, and need.

例句 2:
Wealth is the product which is produced from labor because of the shortage. The product which meets the material demand is wealth, and the spiritual cultural product which meets the spiritual demand is also wealth. The product with material form is wealth, the product with the form of thinking and activity is also wealth.

例句 3:
Marx’s property rights thought has a contemporary value, which inspires people today that workers should realize the real appropriation to the products of labor and the government should improve the legal system on property rights protecting.





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