

字词 知性逻辑与理性逻辑


logic of understanding and logic of reason;cognitive logic and rational logic


[1] What is reason? via: http://generation-online.org/p/fpkantreason.htm
[2] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014:37.






1. 众所周知,康德从休谟的命题出发,做出了自然界总是以特定的形式向我们(主体)呈现,而呈现本身是先天理性构架统摄的结果的结论,康德的深刻之处在于他洞悉了以下事实:这个结果并不是事物(物自体),而只是一种被先天综合判断整合过的“现象”。在康德之后,黑格尔继续抓住理性逻辑构架这个造物主,而马克思的功绩则是不依不饶地剥离了这个造物主身上思辨的外衣,暴露出工业性现代性的资本关系和结构的真实面目,从而批判性地指认了资本逻辑的物化狡计。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007: 85

1. As is known to all, Kant starts from Hume's proposition and comes up with the conclusion that the natural world always represents itself with a fixed form before us (the subject), and representation itself is the result of the predominance of the transcendental structure of reason. Kant is insightful in that he perceives the following facts: the result is not substance (or Things-in-Themselves), but simply "appearance," an integrated a priori judgment. Hegel succeeds Kant in grasping the Creator of the structure of reasonable logic, and Marx takes the credit of relentlessly stripping the rhetoric overcoat of this Providence and consequently exposing the reality of the capitalist relationship and structure of industrial and modern age, hence recognizing the trick of reification of capitalist logic. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 128.

2. 作为一名有着敏锐眼光的思想家,黑格尔自然也很关注政治经济学关于资产阶级社会经济体系——市民社会这一全新历史发展的看法。这种与经济学(实际上也是历史现实)的零距离接触,使黑格尔真正从神学(观念化)的理想天国开始回落到现实历史的物质和经济基础上,从而使他的理性逻辑的进一步发生得以建立在欧洲历史现实发展的最离之点上。因此,一些学者这样评论:“黑格尔是当时能够认识政治经济学真正意义的为数不多的可以同李嘉图并驾齐驱的学者之一。”这无疑是正确的指认。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009: 66

2. An astute philosopher, Hegel was naturally drawn to study the new viewpoint on the historical development of the economic system of bourgeois society proposed by the political economists: civil society. This close contact with economics (which was actually historical reality), caused Hegel to descend from the idealistic realm of theology (idealization) to the material and economic foundation of actual history. This caused the further development of his rational logic to be established on the highest point of actual development in European history. Therefore, the appraisal of several Chinese scholars is completely correct, in their statement that Hegel was one of the few scholars at the time who can be compared to Ricardo in terms of his understanding of the true significance of political economy. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 37.


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