

字词 个人主义




Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 217.


个人主义强调个人利益的首要性,认为个人利益应当成为决定行为的最主要因素,同时强调个人的自由和个人的重要性。个人主义体现于道德、政治、社会等诸多领域,是古典自由主义的构成要素,也是西方文明的精髓(via: http://baike.baidu.com/subview/56096/56096.html)。在社会方面,个人主义者认为社会是许多个人一起运作以改进其幸福的架构,每个独立的个人不是统一的团体里的一份子,而是独立的个体,社会只是由独立的个体组成的架构,因而个人及其权利和利益居于首要的重要的地位(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/633593-670557.html)。在政治方面,个人主义认为国家是组织化的社会形式,应该仅仅作为保护个人自由的工具。这与集体主义的国家观不同。集体主义强调社会的整体利益,主张国家必须迫使个人替社会的整体利益服务;而个人主义主张国家应当保证个人能在不侵犯他人同等自由的情况下作出任何他想做的事情,更为强调个人的利益和自由,因而,在实践上,个人主义极为注重保护个人权利和权益免受国家的侵犯(via: http://baike.sogou.com/v188074.htm)。在经济上,个人主义主张每个个体都应获得作出他自己的经济决定的允许,反对国家或社会共同体的干涉;强调对个人拥有的财产的自由的保护,反对国家或群体的安排。个人主义所主张的经济制度通常被称为“自由放任”或“资本主义”(via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/个人主义)。


[1] 个人主义.via: http://baike.baidu.com/subview/56096/56096.html
[2] 个人主义.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/633593-670557.html
[3] 个人主义.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v188074.htm
[4] 个人主义.via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/个人主义


1. 第三,在组织生活方面。由于一般小资产阶级的生活方式和思想方法的限制,特别由于中国的落后的分散的宗法社会和帮口行会的社会环境,小资产阶级在组织生活上的倾向,容易表现为脱离群众的个人主义和宗派主义。这种倾向反映到党内,就造成我们前面所说的“左”倾路线的错误的组织路线。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:995

1. Third, organizational life. Because of the limitations in the way of life and the method of thinking of the petty bourgeoisie in general, and particularly because of China’s backward and decentralized social environment with its clans and guilds, the tendency of the petty bourgeoisie in organizational life is apt to manifest itself in individualism and sectarianism, which alienate the masses. This tendency, when reflected in the Party, led to the erroneous, “Left” organizational line, which was discussed above. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 217.

2. 中国的许多自由主义分子,亦即旧民主主义分子,亦即杜鲁门、马歇尔、艾奇逊、司徒雷登们所瞩望的和经常企图争取的所谓“民主个人主义”的拥护者们之所以往往陷入被动地位,对问题的观察往往不正确——对美国统治者的观察往往不正确,对国民党的观察往往不正确,对苏联的观察往往不正确,对中国共产党的观察也往往不正确,就是因为他们没有或不赞成用历史唯物主义的观点去看问题的缘故。——《毛泽东选集(第四卷)》,1991:1487

2. Many Chinese liberals一the old-type democratic elements, i.e., the supporters of “democratic individualism”, whom Truman, Marshall, Acheson, Leighton Stuart and the like count on and have been trying to win over一often find themselves in a passive position and are often wrong in their judgements on the U.S. rulers, on the Kuomintang, on the Soviet Union and also on the Communist Party of China. The reason is precisely that they do not look at, or disapprove of looking at, problems from the standpoint of historical materialism. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 4), 1965: 429.

3. 马克思主义的社会科学家运用了像博弈论和普通均衡论等新经济学中所采纳过的方法论。通过一种严格意义上的方法论个人主义框架,埃尔斯特(Elster)和罗默(Roemer)的著作特地对马克思进行了重新解读。他们认为,为了解释社会现象,有必要表明理性的个体能够自由地选择行为方式,其行为所造成的是有待解释的现象。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:349

3. Marxist social scientists applied methods employed in neo-economics such as game theory and general equilibrium theory. The work of Elster and Roemer in particular reinterpreted Marx through the framework of a strict methodological individualism, and held that to explain social phenomena it was necessary to show that rational individuals would freely choose to behave in ways that would result in the phenomena to be explained. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 363.


例句 1:
Individualism lies at the very core of American cultur, but it has come to mean so many things and to contain such controdictions and paradoxes that even to defend it requires that we anlyze it critically. This essay offers an thorough study, both lexic

例句 2:
There is not individualism from ancient times, although it sprouts early in the politics, culture of the ancient society of the west. But just only in the fertile soil of market economy of capitalist class, it take shape gradually fully develops and finally ripe.

例句 3:
America which has short history relatively and huge achievement plays a very important role in international affairs. As the American basic value idea, individualism has the noticeable function in American history.





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