

字词 类比推理


analogical reasoning; method of analogy; analogy


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 40) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1983: 217.
[2] analogical reasoning. via: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/analogical-reasoning.html
[3] Analogy and Analogical Reasoning. via: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/reasoning-analogy/






1. 用Lucus a non lucendo的类比法为自己命名的《晨星报》的国外新闻栏就是证明。整个英国报界的确越来越糟了,即使没有德国人的帮助。姑且不谈应该使每一个有识之士感到高兴的普遍危机的灾难性作用,在这里,不用再天天听英国人自我吹嘘“他们英国人在印度”的“英勇”,也就确实使人得救了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十九卷)》,1971:525-526

1. Witness the foreign news of The Morning Star, a name that bears a certain analogy with lucus a non lucendo. In fact the entire English press gets worse every day, even without German assistance. Quite apart from the seismic effects of the general crisis which must delight every connoisseur, it is truly a relief when one is no longer forced to listen every day to the English self-laudations as to the ‘bravery’ of ‘their English in India’. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 40), 1983: 217-218.

2. 这里有趣的还是在火、空气同灵魂这两方面之间所确立起来的特殊差别,目的是为了证明灵魂与身体完全相适应,在这里既采用类比法,同时又扬弃它;这是一种进行虚构的意识的一般方法。因此,一切具体规定自行崩溃,得到的不是发展,而是一片单调的回音。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十卷)》,1972:39

2. Interesting here again is the specific difference between fire and air, on the one hand, and the soul, on the other, showing that the soul is adequate to the body, analogy being used and nevertheless discarded, which is in general the method of imaginative consciousness; thus all concrete determinations collapse and a mere monotonous echo takes the place of development. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1960: 413.


例句 1:
As a specific inference and cognition instrument, analofical reasoning has been much studied within the field of logc, psychology, linguistics and cognitive sceience.

例句 2:
Analogical reasoning is one of the most important creative methods. Maybe its probability conclusions is not consistent with the logicians’ pursue of the necessity, the theory had been ignored for a long time and developed slowly.

例句 3:
Using four kinds of self-designed pitcure-mapping tasks, we explored the influence of perceptual idstraction on children’s development of analogical reasoning, and the possible mechanism underlying the development of analogical reasoning. The picture-mapping tasks included four kinds of condition: single relation with no distraction, single relation with distraction, double relations with no distraction, double relations with distraction. 90 children aged 4, 5 and 6 years participated in the study.





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