

字词 精神










1. 奧古斯丁·冯·切什考夫斯基较早的时候就由于不满意于黑格尔面向过去的观念辩证法,转而强调一种主体意志的行动——实践!这自然也是从黑格尔哲学中剔离出来的一个规定。他认为,行动的哲学不再使人成为绝对精神不自觉的工具,而是让人能够自主地决定自身的命运,他直接提出要用“应该”来对抗现实的存在(必然性的“是”)。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:103

1. Early on, August Cieszkowski became dissatisfied with Hegel’s idealist dialectic, feeling that it was too focused on the past. He turned instead to an emphasis of the action of the subjective will—praxis. This was, naturally, a rule derived from Hegel’s philosophy. Cieszkowski believed that a theory of action allowed humans to no longer be unconscious tools of the Absolute Spirit, making them masters of their own destinies. He proposed using “should” to counter actual existence (the “to be” of inevitability). -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 68.

2. 面对这一博大精深的哲学构架,以往我们较多地从黑格尔表述他自己的体系的成熟论著中提炼出宏大的思辨逻辑体系,可是恰恰忽略了这一话语体系的历史形成过程,即青年黑格尔早期十分深厚的文化历史研究(图宾根到耶拿时期),特别是当时黑格尔所面对的欧洲历史与生活的现实确证——主要是法国大革命与英国工业革命。通俗地说,就是马背上的拿破仑与绝对精神、斯密的“看不见的手”与“理性的狡计”的内在关联。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:64

2. With regard to this incredibly broad and profound philosophical framework, in the past we tended to focus on the mature works of Hegel, those in which he clarifies his philosophical system, in order to forge a broad speculative logic system. However, in so doing we ignored the historical, formative process of this discourse system; namely, the profound cultural and historical research carried out by young Hegel (between the Tubingen and Jena periods), and especially his study of European history and life, centered on the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution in England. Simply put, he sought for the internal relation between Napoleon on horseback and the Absolute Spirit, as well as Smith’s “invisible hand” and “the cunning of Reason. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 35-36.

3. 以黑格尔之见,劳动在观念的总体异化(对象化)中,首先是人类的精神本质(绝对精神在现实中的次主人)得以实现的必要环节。依据上面我们已经指认的大逻辑,劳动也就是主体类意识的外化与异化,因为精神性的人之类本质实现为物质性的活动,并直接对象化于劳动产品中,所以劳动也意味着人类的自我产生,以及人的主体性之自我确立和提高。人类主体通过劳动自己创造自己,这是对简单的外在神创论的直接否定。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:69

3. According to Hegel, in the process of the total alienation (objectification) of the Idea, labor is first the necessary link by which the spiritual essence of humanity—the Absolute Spirit expressing itself as the secondary master in reality—is realized. According to the macro logic that we have already established in the earlier section, labor is the externalization and alienation of the subjective species-consciousness, because the species-essence of the spiritual man is realized as material activity, and is directly objectified in the form of labor products. Thus labor implies the self-generation of the human race, as well as the subjective self-establishment and self-exaltation of man. The assertion that through labor, subjective humanity creates itself is a direct rejection of the simple, externalized Creation theory. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 40.


例句 1:
Comrade Zhou Enlai is the core member of the first-generation collective leadership of CPC in the long-term revolutionary career, and has forged a unique spirit—a spirit of Zhou Enlai.

例句 2:
As the core category of Chinese traditional cultural values, ritual and music regulated and guided the ancient Chinese people's political life, social life and spiritual life by the unique enlightenment function for thousands of years.

例句 3:
In order to implement the Congress spirit better, the executive meeting of the State Council issued Culture Industry Promotion Plan on July 22, 2009.





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