

字词 地租




Marx, K. & F. Engel. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1996: 14.


地租是指土地所有者凭借土地所有权从土地使用者那里获取的收入,是租给别人使用土地的权利,也是土地所有权在经济上的实现形式。土地所有者依靠土地所有权而取得的收入。地租按其形成原因,可分为封建地租和资本主义地租。封建地租是在封建制度下,地主阶级占有大量土地,交由农民耕种,向农民收取地租,地主无偿占有的农民的剩余劳动甚至部分必要劳动,这种地租体现着封建地主阶级剥削农民阶级的关系。封建地租主要采取三种基本形式:劳役地租,即直接剥削农民的剩余劳动;实物地租,即直接剥削农民的剩余产品;货币地租,即剥削由剩余产品转化的价值。资本主义地租是租佃资本家交给土地所有者的来自于雇佣劳动者的剩余劳动的一部分。在资本主义制度下,农业中存在着大土地所有者、农业资本家和农业工人三个阶级之间的关系。大土地所有者一般把土地出租给农业资本家,后者再雇佣农业工人进行耕作,并按照租地契约规定,将剥削农业雇佣工人得来的剩余价值的一部分即表现为超额利润的部分,作为地租交给土地所有者。这种地租体现着大土地所有者和农业资本家共同剥削雇佣农业工人的关系。地租是一个历史范畴。在土地私有制下,地租是直接生产者创造的剩余产品被土地所有者无偿占有的部分,是土地所有者对劳动者的一种剥削形式。在土地公有制下,地租既是国家从经济上管理土地的一种重要方法,也是国民收入的一个重要组成部分。土地所有权的形式不同,与此相联系的地租的性质、内容、形式及其所体现的生产关系也不尽相同(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=3jmT-8oyC88nq3cEwKAeMmCxPcnEuI97IM5zjlmSuiLSINIOXMlQwvOeZqNutuqPsVrppfNiXG4iHTM04aodyq)。


via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=3jmT-8oyC88nq3cEwKAeMmCxPcnEuI97IM5zjlmSuiLSINIOXMlQwvOeZqNutuqPsVrppfNiXG4iHTM04aodyq


1. 因此马克思在谈到地租劳动时说:“在这些条件下,要能够为名义上的地主从小农身土榨取剩余劳动,就只有通过超经济的强制”,在亚洲"地租和赋税就会合为一体,或者不如说,不会再有什么同这个地租形式不同的赋税。”——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:111

1. Thus in connection with labour-rent Marx says: “Under such circumstances the surplus labour can be extorted from them for the benefit of the nominal landowner only by other than economic pressure.” In Asia “rent and taxes coincide, or rather there is no tax other than this form of ground-rent” -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic, 1968: 56.

2. 英国古典政治经济学是属于阶级斗争不发展的时期的。它的最后的伟大的代表李嘉图,终于有意识地把阶级利益的对立、工资和利润的对立、利润和地租的对立当作他的研究的出发点,因为他天真地把这种对立看作社会的自然规律。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:16

2. Its political economy belongs to the period in which the class struggle was as yet undeveloped. Its last great representative, Ricardo, in the end, consciously makes the antagonism of class interests, of wages and profits, of profits and rent, the startingpoint of his investigations, naively taking this antagonism for a social law of Nature. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 14.

3. 而蔑视货币主义的现代经济学,一当它考察资本,它的拜物教不是也很明显吗?认为地租是由土地而不是由社会产生的重农主义幻觉,又破灭了多久呢?——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:100

3. And modern economy, which looks down with such disdain on the monetary system, does not its superstition come out as clear as noon-day, whenever it treats of capital? How long is it since economy discarded the physiocratic illusion, that rents grow out of the soil and not out of society? -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 93.


例句 1:
The basic proposition about land rent in economics is that land rent is a kind of remaining. It means that the land rent is the remaining profits removing the cost of production and common profit of agricultural capital. 

例句 2:
Ecological land rent is an important indicator to measure the social-economic effect of resource scarcity.

例句 3:
Rents take the separation between landowner and user as a premise, which executes as media mechanisms to promote the transfer of land use rights to achieve large-scale operation in China’s rural areas.





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