

字词 全国人大代表


Deputy to the National People’s Congress(NPC)


[1]Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 479.
[2]Deputy to National People’s Congress. via: http://www.bernardchan.com/1/en/deputy.php






1. 习近平在中央分管港澳工作期间,多次会见港澳各界人士,深入了解港澳社情民意,积极推动内地与港澳经济合作,制定实施了许多有利干港澳长期繁荣稳定发展的重要举措。在港澳遭受国际金融危机严重冲击时,他先后来到香港、澳门,广泛接触社会各界,指出“只要精神不滑坡,办法总比困难多”,为港澳各界人士加油鼓劲。2012年,在全国两会期间与香港、澳门全国人大代表和政协委员座谈时,他以“兄弟同心、其利断金”寄语港澳同胞团结协作、共创美好未来,在港澳社会引起积极反响。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:427

1. As a member of the central leadership, Xi was in charge of Hong Kong and Macao affairs. He helped work out a number of important policies on the long-term stability and prosperity of the two special administrative regions. In 2008 and 2009, when Hong Kong and Macao were seriously hit by the international financial crisis, Xi visited both regions to show his support. He encouraged the local people, saying, “There are always more means than difficulties as long as we have a firm resolve”. In 2012, when he talked to deputies to the NPC and the Chinese Peopled Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) from Hong Kong and Macao at the annual “two sessions” he quoted a line from a classic: “If brothers are of the same mind, their edge can cut through metal,” to call on the people of Hong Kong and Macao to stick together to strive for a better life. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 479.

2. 坚持创新管理,强化服务,着力提高政府效能。提供基本公共服务尽可能采用购买服务方式,第三方可提供的事务性管理服务交给市场或社会去办。扎实开展政府协商,积极推进决策科学化民主化,重视发挥智库作用。全面实行政务公开,推广电子政务和网上办事。各级政府要自觉接受同级人大及其常委会的监督,接受人民政协的民主监督,认真听取人大代表、政协委员、民主党派、工商联、无党派人士和各人民团体的意见。我们的所有工作都要全面接受人民的监督,充分体现人民的意愿。——《2015政府工作报告》,2015

2. We will develop new ways of conducting regulation, strengthen services, and work to improve government performance. In basic public services, we need to do all we can to use service procurement as the means of provision, and routine services that can be provided by a third party should be handed over to the market or society. We will work solidly to carry out government consultations. We will work to ensure decisions are made in a sound and democratic way and place importance on the role of think tanks. We will fully put into practice transparency in government affairs and promote the use of e-government and online administration. All levels of governments must actively accept oversight by people’s congresses and their standing committees at their respective administrative level; accept the democratic oversight of CPPCC committees; and earnestly solicit the views of deputies to people’s congresses, members of CPPCC committees, non-CPC parties, federations of industry and commerce, public figures without party affiliation, and people’s organizations. All our work must be subject to the people’s oversight and be done in the way they expect it to be done. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2015.

3. 民主法制建设迈出新步伐。政治体制改革继续推进。实行城乡按相同人口比例选举人大代表。基层民主不断发展。中国特色社会主义法律体系形成,社会主义法治国家建设成绩显著。爱国统一战线巩固壮大。行政体制改革深化,司法体制和工作机制改革取得新进展。——《十八大报告》,2012

3. New strides have been made in developing democracy and the legal system. Further progress has been made in reforming the political structure. Urban and rural deputies to people’s congresses are now elected on the basis of the same population ratio. Community-level democracy has steadily developed. The socialist system of laws with Chinese characteristics has been established, and notable achievements have been made in building a socialist country based on the rule of law. The patriotic united front has been consolidated and expanded. The reform of the administrative system has deepened, and further progress has been made in the reform of the judicial system and the work mechanisms of the judiciary -Quoted from Hu Jintao’s Report at the 18th Party Congress, 2012: 4.


例句 1:
The right security mechanism of Representatives of NPC made NPC is the political core of China.

例句 2:
People’s congress system is the basic guarantee to protect the People’s right of mastering their own affairs. Insisting and perfecting this system continuously is the important channel to pushing the information of political system and receiving the political civilization. National People’s Congress is the most authoritative powerful unit and has the right of execution which authorized by people. The Representatives are the main parts of National People’s Congress, and the situation of their duty’s accomplishment directly impacts the operating of National People’s Congress. It is necessary to build a whole set of system to help the process of taking Representatives’ duty become more institutionalization, democratization and scientific.

例句 3:





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