

字词 生产周期


production cycle


production cycle. via: https://ceopedia.org/index.php/Production_cycle


产品从原材料(或半成品)投入生产到产成品检验入库所经历的时间。它由两部分时间组成:一是工序时间,即加工、检验、运输所需的时间;二是等待时间,即劳动过程暂时中断的时间。等待时间有两类:一类是技术性中断时间,如发酵时间、冷却时间;一类是组织性中断时间,如保险储备时间、停工待料时间。生产周期的长短决定企业的经营效率和资金使用效率。在资金数量一定的情况下,生产周期越短,经济效益就越高;反之就越低。加强生产组织与技术管理,缩短生产周期,是企业经营管理者的重要职责之一(刘树成, 2005:913)。
 生产周期又称生产循环期。某项生产从原材料或半成品投入生产到制成产品或完成某一工艺过程的全部日历时间。工业企业生产是周而复始、不断循环的,从原材料到生产出成品是一个生产周期。生产周期的划分可分为:按产品范围大小划分,可分为整个产品生产周期、部件生产周期和零件生产周期;按工艺过程划分,可分为工艺生产周期、工序生产周期和生产环节生产周期。整个产品的生产周期又称为成品复杂生产周期,单个工艺过程或单位工艺过程的生产周期又称为简单生产周期。产品生产周期的长短,受工艺加工的复杂程度和生产的自然过程长短所制约。不同产品有不同的生产周期长度,不能相互比较。但同一产品,却可以由于改进工艺加工方法,采用新的科学技术,缩短劳动过程时间和自然过程时间,从而缩短生产周期。这意味着在同样时间内增加产品产量,提高劳动生产率和经济效益(王益英, 1997:318-319)。


[1] 刘树成.现代经济词典[Z].凤凰出版社.2005.
[2] 王益英.中华法学大辞典(劳动法学卷)[Z].中国检察出版社.1997.


1. 十三年这个数字,就其必要性说来,与理论也相符,因为它为多少与大危机重现的周期相一致的工业再生产的周期规定了一个计量单位,而危机的过程从它们间断的时间来看,当然还是由绝然不同的另一些因素所决定的。在大工业直接的物质先决条件中找到一个决定再生产周期的因素对我是很重要的。在机器设备的再生产不同于流动资本的再生产这个问题上,使人不禁想起摩莱肖特派,他们象经济学家那样,也是非常不重视骨胳更新周期的长短,而满足于人体的整个更新周期的平均数。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十九卷)》,1963:284

1. The figure of 13 years corresponds closely enough to the theory, since it establishes a unit for ONE EPOCH OF INDUSTRIAL REPRODUCTION which plus ou moins coincides with the period in which major crises recur; needless to say their course is also determined by factors of a quite different kind, depending on their period of reproduction. For me the important thing is to discover, in the immediate material postulates of big industry, one factor that determines cycles. In considering the reproduction of machinery, as distinct from capital circulant, one is irresistibly reminded of the Moleschotts who also pay insufficient attention to the period of reproduction of the bony skeleton, contenting themselves RATHER, like the economists, with the average time taken by the human body to replace itself completely. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 40), 1983: 282.


例句 1:
In order to realize JIT delivery of material, it is necessary to work out the minimum production cycle, and the material delivery time should be shorter than the production cycle.

例句 2:
According to the mixture design {3, 2} simplex lattice theory, the merits of different proportions of rice chaff, sludge compost and vermiculite mix substrates were analyzed from the physical and chemical properties, the growth of alkali thatch physiological indices, the turf comprehensive quality and grass production cycle, respectively.

例句 3:
Focusing on an integrated production-distribution system with multi-products, multi-manufacturers and multi-retailers, such problems as the production cycle of products, transportation frequencies in a cycle and the economic allocation among the manufacturers were investigated.





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