

字词 社会劳动


social labour


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 292.




苑茜,周冰,沈士仓等. 现代劳动关系辞典[Z].浙江人民出版社,2000.


1. 这样,当我说某一商品具有一定的价值的时候,那我就是说:(1)它是一个对社会有用的产品;(2)它是私人为了私人的打算生产出来的;(3)它虽然是私人劳动的产品,但同时好像不为生产者所知和所愿地又是社会劳动的产品,而且是以社会方法即通过交换来确定数量的一定的社会劳动的产品;(4)我表现这个数量,不是用劳动本身,也不是用若干工作小时,而是用另外一个商品。因此,如果我说,这只表和这块布价值相等,这两件物品中每一件的价值都等于五十马克,那么我就是说:在这只表、这块布和这些货币中,包含着等量的社会劳动。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:332

1. Therefore when I say (1) that a commodity has a particular value, I say that it is a socially useful product; (2) that it has been produced by a private individual for private account; (3) that, although a product of individual labour, it is nevertheless at the same time and as it were unconsciously and involuntarily, also a product of social labour and, be it noted, of a definite quantity of this labour, ascertained in a social way, through exchange; (4) I express this quantity not in labour itself, in so and so many labour-hours, but in another commodity. If therefore I say that this clock is worth as much as that piece of cloth and each of them is worth fifty marks, I say that an equal quantity of social labour is contained in the clock, the cloth and the money. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 292.

2. 这一章对于资本主义在农业中进行的大革命作了非常确切、扼要、清楚的概括。资本主义把贫穷困苦、愚昧无知的农民的因循守旧的手工劳动,变成科学地运用农艺学,打破了长期以来农业的停滞状态,推动了(并且继续推动着)社会劳动生产力的迅速发展。三圃制被轮作制代替了,牲畜的饲养与土地的耕种改进了,收成增加了,农业的专业化和农场间的分工大大发展了。——《列宁全集(第四卷)》,1984:91-92

2. This chapter contains a remarkably exact, concise, and lucid outline of the gigantic revolution which capitalism brought about in agriculture by transforming the routine craft of peasants crushed by poverty and ignorance into the scientific application of agronomics, by disturbing the age-long stagnation of agriculture, and by giving (and continuing to give) an impetus to the rapid development of the productive forces of social labour. The three-field system gave way to the crop rotation system, the maintenance of cattle and the cultivation of the soil were improved, the yield increased and specialisation in agriculture and the division of labour among individual farms greatly developed. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1977: 113-114.

3. 实际上,斯密已经从商品价格中抽象出交换价值,并直接确定了交换价值的基础是一般的劳动。由此,他才第一次明确宣布:任何部门的劳动都是财富的源泉。这就指认了作为劳动价值论基础的一般的社会劳动。而且,正是这个抽象的社会劳动的不断积累和转型才形成了资本。于是,斯密就第一次科学地确证了配第的一般原则。­­——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:50

3. In fact, with this statement Smith had already abstracted exchange value from commodity price, determining that exchange value was based on general labor. From this he was able to clearly state that the labor of any department of the economy was a source of wealth. This established the concept of general social labor, the foundation of the labor theory of value. Furthermore, in Smith’s theory, capital is formed by the continual accumulation and shifting of abstract social labor, which allowed Smith to scientifically confirm Petty’s general principle for the first time. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 23.


例句 1:
20 世纪 80 年代以来,中国社会经济结构发生了巨大的变化,最为显著的特征是中国进入社会转型时期,发生了,并且正在发生一系列深刻的嬗变。社会劳动问题是社会经济结构变迁的核心问题。经过问题化建构之后,社会劳动问题的核心可以归结为劳动权问题。——《劳动权论》,吉林大学博士学位论文,2006
Since the beginning of the 1980s, China's social and economic structure has undergone tremendous changes.The most notable feature is the integration of the transition period, there have been and are a series of profound changes. labour is the core issue in the changes of socio-economic structure. After the issue of building, the core of social problems can be attributed to labour rights.

例句 2:
The transformation of labor form is complementary to the development of productive forces and productive relations, and social labor is the result of the capital. Due to cooperation, division of labor and the combination of science and technology, the labor itself is socialized and organized into Social Labor by the capitalist mode of production; the value of the product is manifested as materialized social work.

例句 3:
本文认为,地方政府间跨区域经济合作是以社会劳动区域分工为客观基础的。社会劳动必然伴随着社会劳动分工,社会劳动区域分工必然导致相关地区建立经济合作关系。——《地方政府间跨区域经济合作研究》,四川大学博士学位论文,2004In this dissertation, it is deemed that cross-district economic cooperation





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