

字词 社会党


the socialist party


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 27) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1990: 271.






1. 首先,我根本没有说过什么“社会党将取得多数,然后就将取得政权”。相反,我强调过,十之八九我们的统治者早在这个时候到来以前,就会使用暴力来对付我们了;而这将使我们从议会斗争的舞台转到革命的舞台。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十二卷)》,1965:327

1. For a start, I have never said the socialist party, will become the majority and then proceed to take power. On the contrary, I have expressly said that the odds are ten to one that our rulers, well before that point arrives, will use violence against us, and this would shift us from the terrain of majority to the terrain of revolution. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 27), 1990: 271.

2. 到1912年,左翼激进派在社会民主党内部开始形成一股凝聚的力量,它同时强调群众罢工(一般性的群众行动)和帝国主义同是核心的政治现象。随着战争的发展和反战的加剧,社会民主党的分裂达到了顶点。到1917年初,斯巴达克派(Spartacist,左翼激进派的称号)和持反对立场的中间派都被驱逐出党。于是组成了德国独立社会党(Unabhängige Sozialistische Partei Deutschlands, USPD),它包括从斯巴达克派到考茨基等所有的人,甚至包括和平主义者伯恩施坦。 ——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:51

2. By 1912, the left radicals were beginning to emerge as a coherent force within the SPD with a twin emphasis on mass strike (and mass action in general) and imperialism as the central political phenomenon. As the war progressed and opposition to it increased, the split in the SPD was consummated. By ear1y 1917 both Spartacists (as the left radicals came to be called) and the oppositional Centrists were expelled from the party, and the Unabhängige Sozialistische Partei Deutschlands (Independent German Socialist Party) was formed to include everyone from the Spartacists to Kautsky and even the pacifist Bernstein. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 56-57.

3. 社会党人在任何场合下都应当明确地向群众指出,两条道路必择其一:要么继续为了资本家的利润而互相残杀,忍受物价飞涨、饥饿、数十亿债务的奴役、用民主的和改良的诺言掩盖起来的帝国主义停战的欺诈;要么举行反对资产阶级的起义。——《列宁全集(第二十八卷)》,1991:262

3. In any case, the alternative which socialists must clearly place before the masses is this: either continue to kill each other for capitalist profits, put up with the high cost of living, hunger, the burden of a debt running into billions, and accept the farce of an imperialist truce veiled by democratic and reformist promises, or rise in revolt against the bourgeoisie. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 23), 1974: 212.


例句 1:
From the latter half of the 19th century, the Socialist Party has already experienced nearly a half century of development. In the development process of more than 100 years, the Socialist Party's theory and practice is not immutable, on the contrary, to the guiding principles of pragmatism and pluralism, the biggest characteristic of Western European Socialist Party is to reform their theory and policy, achieve its own restructuring in practice as the development of time and changes of the situation.

例句 2:
As the prototype of the mass-party, the European socialist parties suffered an especial concussion and challenge in its traditional functions.

例句 3:
However, during this period, socialist party won "Magical Regression" and all political landscape of western European is promising. Companying with reigning po





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