

字词 社会保险


social insurance; social security


[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 3) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 454.
[2] 伊特韦尔,约翰,米尔盖特,默里,纽曼,彼得.新帕尔格雷夫经济学大辞典(第四卷)[Z].经济科学出版社,1996:444.






1. 独立工党是1893年新工联领导人在罢工斗争活跃和争取实行英国工人阶级的独立自主政策以同资产阶级政党相对抗的运动加强的情况下成立的。一些新、旧工联的成员和受到费边社影响的知识分子和小资产阶级分子参加了独立工党。党的领袖是凯尔·哈第。党把争取集体占有一切生产资料、分配手段和交换手段、规定八小时工作日、禁用童工、实施社会保险和失业补助以及其他要求包括在自己的纲领中。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十二卷)》,1965:759

1. The Independent Labour Party was founded by the leaders of the New Trades Unions (see Note 520) in 1893 against the background of spreading strikes and a growing movement for an independent policy of the British working class vis-à-vis the bourgeois parties. Led by James Keir Hardie, the party included members of new and old trades unions and Fabian-influenced intellectuals and petty bourgeois. Its programme called for collective ownership of all means of production, distribution and exchange, an eight-hour working day, a ban on child labour, introduction of social insurance and unemployment benefits, and other measures. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 49), 2001: 630.

2. 俾斯麦的社会改革是反社会党人法时期德国统治阶级破坏革命工人运动的一个手段。俾斯麦由于在实行反社会党人法的最初几年中未能用恐怖手段把社会民主党消灭,于是又在1881年底除恐怖手段外又采取收买手段,即鞭子加糖果,企图用这个办法来达到目的。他指望借助于1881年11月17日在一篇皇帝谕告里宣布的社会政治改革(关于伤亡、疾病、年老、残废的社会保险法),在工人阶级中间孤立社会民主党,分裂党,阻挠反对军国主义、争取民主的广泛的人民运动。俾斯麦通过所宣布的这些社会措施来收买工人阶级的企图未能得逞。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:750

2. Bismarck's social reform was a distinctive method employed by the ruling classes in their fight against the revolutionary workers' movement during the period when the Anti-Socialist Law (see Note 37) was in force in Germany. Having failed to destroy the Social Democrats in the initial years of this law (see notes 307 and 309), in late 1881 Bismarck set out to achieve his objective through a carrot and stick policy. On 17 November, a proclamation was published by the Emperor announcing a number of reforms (social insurance laws in cases of industrial accident, illness, old age and invalidity). Bismarck hoped that their introduction would split the Social Democrats and isolate the working class from the Socialist Workers' Party of Germany. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 47), 1995: 591.

3. 首先是指波涛出版社。是俄国布尔什维克的合法出版社,1912年11月在彼得堡创办。1913年初,该社出版了有关工人社会保险问题的书刊。——《列宁全集(第二十四卷)》,1990:428

3. The legal Bolshevik Priboi Publishers was set up in St. Petersburg in early 1913 and operated under the direction of the Party’s Central Committee. It responded to various questions of the working-class movement. Emerging during the “insurance campaign” it issued many publications on workers’ social insurance. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 41), 1977: 555.


例句 1:
In order to effectively prevent and combat social insurance fund fraud, “Social Insurance Fund Supervision Regulations” shall be enacted, crime of Social Insurance Fund fraud shall be added to the People’ s Republic of China Criminal Law and local legislation about social insurance fund fraud shall be encouraged.

例句 2:
Functional institutions responsible for anti-social insurance fund fraud shall be established as law enforcement responses, administrative coordination mechanisms for anti-social insurance fraud shall also be established and; special management institutions about anti-social insurance fraud shall be formed. The scope of People’s Court accepting social insurance disputes shall be expanded as judicial response, making full use of public hearing of social insurance fund fraud cases and giving full play to the justice recommendations about social insurance fund fraud cases.

例句 3:





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