

字词 社会公德     

社会公德     【英】

social moral; social ethics


[2]Jiang Zemin. Jiang Zemin’s Report at 16th Party Congress, 2002. via.http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2002-11/17/content_632330.htm


社会公德即社会公共道德。是一个社会的全体成员为了维护社会正常的生活秩序,必须共同遵守的最起码的公共生活准则,是维护社会成员之间最基本的社会关系秩序、保证社会和谐稳定的最起码的道德要求。广义的社会公德是指:反映阶级、民族或社会共同利益的道德。它包括一定社会、一定国家特别提倡和实行的道德要求,甚至还以法律规定的形式,使之得以重视和推行。狭义的社会公德是特指人类在长期社会生活实践中逐渐积累起来的、为社会公共生活所必需的、最简单、最起码的公共生活准则。它可以是一种不成文法,也可以是某些公共职能部门所制定的公约、规则。如遵守公共秩序、文明礼貌、救死扶伤、诚实守信、讲究卫生、互相尊重等。它对维系社会公共生活和调整人们之间的关系具有重要作用。社会公德是人类在长期的社会实践中,因共同生活的客观需要而逐步形成世代相传并逐步完善起来的(社会公德.via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%A4%BE%E4%BC%9A%E5%85%AC%E5%BE%B7)。社会公德中不少内容是“数百年来人们就知道的、数千年来在一切处世格言上反复谈到的、起码的公共生活规则”(列宁,1995:247)。社会公德的职能在于调整人与人之间的某些关系,维护社会正常秩序,保证社会生活正常进行。阶级社会中的公德,除有广泛的社会性、共同性之外,还有明显的阶级性。由于社会公德是社会全体成员在长期道德实践中积累起来的优秀成果,因而它是整个社会文明发展的一种标志,对社会风尚有着广泛、深刻的影响,对人们性情的陶冶、品德的培养起着重大作用。在我国社会主义社会,爱祖国、爱人民、爱科学、爱劳动、爱社会主义是基本的社会公德。社会公德是全体居民调节最一般关系的行为规范,具有全民性和共同性。社会公德反映全社会的利益,具有广泛的群众性。社会公德反映了习俗和民风的要求,把民族心理与习惯用准则的形式固定下来,沿袭下去,世代相传,成为社会进步和人类文明的重要标志(孙国华,1997:362)。


[1] 社会公德.via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%A4%BE%E4%BC%9A%E5%85%AC%E5%BE%B7
[2] 列宁.列宁选集(第三卷)[C].人民出版社,1995.
[3] 孙国华.中华法学大辞典·法理学卷[Z].中国检察出版社,1997.


1. (三)切实加强思想道德建设。依法治国和以德治国相辅相成。要建立与社会主义市场经济相适应、与社会主义法律规范相协调、与中华民族传统美德相承接的社会主义思想道德体系。深入进行党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领和“三个代表”重要思想的宣传教育,引导人们树立中国特色社会主义共同理想,树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。认真贯彻公民道德建设实施纲要,弘扬爱国主义精神,以为人民服务为核心、以集体主义为原则、以诚实守信为重点,加强社会公德、职业道德和家庭美德教育,特别要加强青少年的思想道德建设,引导人们在遵守基本行为准则的基础上,追求更高的思想道德目标。加强和改进思想政治工作,广泛开展群众性精神文明创建活动。——《江泽民在党的十六大上所作的报告》

1. 3. Promote ideological and ethical progress. Ruling the country by law and ruling the country by virtue complement each other. It is necessary to establish a socialist ideological and ethical system compatible with the socialist market economy and the socialist legal standard and consistent with the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. We must carry out intensive publicity and education in the Party’s basic theory, line and program and in the important thought of Three Represents, and guide people in fostering a common ideal for socialism with Chinese characteristics, correct world outlook, views on life and values. We must carry out the Program for Improving Civic Morality, promote patriotism and, with serving the people at the core, collectivism as the principle and honesty as a priority, intensify education in social and professional ethics and family virtues and especially intensify the ideological and ethical improvement among youth so as to guide people in their pursuit of higher ideological and ethical standards on the basis of observing the basic code of conduct. We must strengthen and improve ideological and political work and encourage popular participation in building spiritual civilization. -Quoted from Jiang Zemin’s report at 16th Party congress, 2002.


例句 1:
Social morality is the code of conduct that should be followed by all citizens in social and public life, which covers from person to person, man and society, the relationship between man and nature.

例句 2:
Social morality is an important part of moral system; it can standardize and restrain the behavior of people in public.

例句 3:
Social ethics is an important sign to measure the social morality quality, moral level, it is also the core content of socialist moral construction.





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