

字词 社会分析


social analysis


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社会分析是指对社会现象的系统研究与解剖,旨在了解社会现象的因果关系和依倚关系,从而对社会问题与社会行为作出有效的判断与预测。人们认识事物或社会,总是先通过分析,了解事物的各个部分,然后进行综合,得到事物的完整概念(张子路,杨业广,1989:253)。分析和综合贯穿于思维的整个过程。只有在对事物内部矛盾的各个方面进行了具体分析和综合之后,才能真正深入到事物本质中去,认识事物本质和非本质的联系。“社会分析是在深入了解社会现象和社会事实的基础上,运用阶级分析、具体分析的方法,揭示社会现象的本质和规律”(张光博,1989:290)。社会分析的具体方法有抽样调查、民意测试、内涵分析、精神分析技术、社会统计法、变量曲线图法等(刘蔚华,陈远,1991:377)。马克思主义认为,人是社会生活的主体,每一个社会的社会结构都是由相互依存、相互联系的不同的社会群体组合而成的。其中,阶级阶层结构是社会结构的核心内容,它最能说明社会的本质特征和揭示人群团体的基本面貌。因此,马克思、恩格斯十分重视对他们所处时代的社会的阶级阶层结构的研究与分析,并形成了一套“以阶级分析为主、阶层分析为辅”的社会分析方法。 所谓的阶级分析法,就是用马克思主义关于阶级和阶级斗争的观点和理论,去观察和分析阶级社会的运动及其社会历史现象的方法。所谓阶层分析法,就是以社会各阶层及他们之间的关系为分析对象的社会分析方法。主要通过划分社会阶层及描述不同阶层的阶层状况,从而揭示各阶层之间的复杂关系,并在此基础上化解阶层矛盾,促进阶层关系和谐发展的社会分析方法。


[3]刘蔚华,陈远.方法大辞典[Z]. 山东人民出版社,1991.


1. 相互重叠的斗争反对的是本质主义,一旦利益的冲突摧毁了那种本质主义,赋予马克思主义社会分析的那种确定性也遭到了摧毁。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:36

1. Overlapping struggles militate against essentialism, and once that essentialism is undermined by conflicts of interests so is the certainty that attaches to Marxist social analysis. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 23.

2. 对实证主义的批判有时甚至扩及马克思自身的著作,因为他们认为,马克思在社会分析中很少关注上层建筑方面的社会支配作用。因而法兰克福学派对精神分析学的兴趣越来越大,并集中关注人的个性方面,而这些光靠追逐经济福利是不能实现的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:272

2. This criticism even at times extended to the work of Marx himself, who was considered to have paid too little attention to the superstructural dimension of domination in his social analysis. Hence the growing interest of Frankfurt School in psychoanalysis and the concentration on aspects of the human personality that could not be fulfilled simply by catering for economic well-being. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 286.

3. 当然,齐泽克并不赞成“海德格尔、阿多诺和霍克海默等人,他们的缺点在于放弃了对资本主义进行具体的社会分析”,因为,“我们现在所需要的不是从‘政治经济学的批判’向先验本体论的‘工具理性的批判’过渡,而是向‘政治经济学批判’的返回”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:325

3. Obviously, Zizek disagrees with Heidegger, Adorno and Horkheimer. In his opinion, their inefficiency lies in the abandonment of the concrete social analysis of capitalism because what man needs today is not the passage from the “critique of political economy” to the transcendental-ontological “critique of instrumental reason,” but a return to the “critique of political economy.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 424-425.


例句 1:
新中国成立以来,我国对马克思主义社会分析的继承与运用经历了一个艰难曲折的过程。新中国成立初到 1956年底社会主义“三大改造”的基本完成这一时期,针对我国国内阶级矛盾依然尖锐的现状,继续坚持革命战争年代的“以阶级分析为主、阶层分析为辅”的社会分析显然是十分正确的。——《从阶级分析到阶层分析——新中国成立后马克思主义社会分析方法的继承与发展》,宁波大学硕士学位论文,2010
This analysis method has played a huge role in the process of socialist revolution of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, since the founding of New China, China's Marxist social analysis and application of the succession has gone through a difficult and tortuous process. Founding of new China by the end of 1956 first came to socialism, "the three major reform" of the basic completion of this period, for China's domestic class contradictions are still sharp the status quo, continue to adhere to the Revolutionary War era "to the main class analysis, supplemented by the stratum" analysis social analysis is obviously correct.

例句 2:
Then this chapter goes on to sort out the shifting history of the paradigms of popular culture study, which changed from social analysis focusing on political and economical criticism to cultural studies centered around semeiotic explanation.

例句 3:





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