字词 | 理性的狡计 |
释义 | 理性的狡计【英】the cunning of Reason; the rational trick译文来源[1] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Uinversitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 36. 定义“理性的狡计”也称为“理性的机巧”、“理性的狡黠”、“概念的狡计”等,是黑格尔在《小逻辑》和《历史哲学》中提到的一个重要概念,它表达了理性利用某种手段、工具以实现其目的并从而使历史的发展表现出某种规律性的哲学思想,这里的“理性”即黑格尔的“绝对观念”,与“神”、“上帝”概念基本同义(张艳玲,2007:18)。黑格尔指出,“理性是内在于宇宙万物和人的全部活动中的伟大的普遍的力量,它总是借用特殊的存在者之间的磨损和消耗,在冥冥中贯彻自己的目的和意图”(俞吾金,2010:74),这便是理性的狡计。黑格尔认为,世界历史就是理性不断地把在自身中的东西实现出来的过程。但由于理性是精神领域的内容,是内在的、抽象的,所以想要把它实现出来,必须借助于一定的手段,这种手段就是热情。由此,黑格尔把理性利用热情这一实现自己目的手段的巧妙安排称作“理性的狡计”。恩格斯晚年在关于历史唯物主义的书信中,运用力的平行四边形的比喻阐明“历史合力”论,间接地回应、批判了黑格尔的“理性的狡计”说(via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=OHrQi424kT0RQhr9INF5ZCQxSNxim3KKVoGyUJ7t2GRKdWZWHfaFrhmJVvaqfJfRimENNqz-Atfbwz74iQNbKK)。 定义来源[1] 张艳玲.解析黑格尔“理性的狡计”——神本形式下的人本内容[J].学术交流,2007,(7). 例句1. 通俗地说,就是马背上的拿破仑与绝对精神、斯密的“看不见的手”与“理性的狡计”的内在关联。其中与本书所论说的主题最关切也最重要的一个联结点,就是作为工业进程理论映照的古典经济学与黑格尔哲学的关系。这也是我们此处需要深入讨论的焦点问题。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:64 1. Simply put, he sought for the internal relation between Napoleon on horseback and the Absolute Spirit, as well as Smith’s “invisible hand” and “the cunning of Reason.” Of these, the subject most apposite and important to the discussion of this book is the relationship between classical economics, as the theoretical reflection of industrial progress, and Hegel’s philosophy. This is the critical issue which we will be discussing at this point. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 35-36. 2. 其次,如果转换思路,从社会历史的历时性视角来对此进行考察,那么,在人们社会生活的运动中,这种自发形成的社会关系又是“理性的狡计”在市民社会中的直接表现,它也就是斯密所说的“看不见的手”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:77-78 2. Second, by changing the line of argument and approaching social relationships from the perspective of social history, then what we find is that in the course of social life, these arbitrarily forming social relationships are really the direct representation of “the cunning of reason” within civil society: they form Smith’s “invisible hand.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 47. 3. 藏传佛教中的物性祷告还不止是手动的特经轮,不用齐泽克那个黑格尔“理性的狡计”的假设,还真存在着经幡。我最近(2003年8月)在四川阿坝看到每一个藏宅四周都插满了写着经文的风幡,风一吹动,物就替人诵经。一位藏民告诉我,在一些地方还有用水来自动运转的祷告轮。其实这显示了我们藏族同胞的宗教智慧。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:396 3. In Tibetan Buddhism, there is something more than the manual prayer wheel used in material praying: the prayer flag, which, of course, does not stem from Zizek’s Hegelian assumption about the “rational trick.” In August 2003, I went to the Aba prefecture in Sichuan province and saw every Tibetan home surrounded by the prayer flags with religious text. As the flag waved in the wind, it was praying for man. A Tibetan told me that some people even used running water to drive the prayer wheel. It really shows the religious wisdom of our people. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 507. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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