

字词 价值哲学(又作价值论)


philosophy of value; value philosophy; theory of value; axiology


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:643.
[2] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 139.


价值哲学,亦称“价值论”,是关于社会事物之间价值关系的运动与变化规律的科学。价值论是人类的科学理论体系中的重要组成部分,它主要从主体的需要和客体能否满足及如何满足主体需要的角度,考察和评价各种物质的、精神的本质、现象及人们的行为对个人、阶级、社会的意义。价值哲学具体研究对象包括价值的性质、构成、标准和评价等。最早由法国哲学家拉皮埃(Paul Lapie,1869—1927)在《意志的逻辑》中提出,后由E.哈特曼在《哲学体系纲要》中作了系统说明。中外哲学家很早就对价值进行了研究(金炳华,2003:642-643)。在中国古代哲学中,没有明确的价值概念,也没有形成系统的价值理论。但是,哲学家们在探讨人生理想和人的行为的评价标准时,围绕着义与利、理与欲、志与功的关系所进行的争论,同价值问题密切相关,并在不同方面表现出他们的价值观。孔子把“仁”作为人生追求的最高价值。在西方哲学史中,从古希腊的苏格拉底、柏拉图开始,就对人生的价值问题进行了探讨。苏格拉底把追求善和美德视为人生的最高价值,认为善和美德同真正的幸福是一致的。马克思主义哲学坚持用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的观点来观察各种价值现象,认为价值的一般本质在于:它是现实的人同满足其某种需要的客体的属性之间的一种关系。


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 金林.黑格尔的思辨理性[J].黄山学院学报,2004(5).


1. 可是,由于人的革命此时还是“从哲学家的头脑开始”的,所以异化的消除和人类主体的解放仍然是一种人本主义价值哲学的逻辑推论结果。这也是马克思完整经济异化理论的最后一个逻辑构件,即异化的扬弃以及人类主体从异化状态向自己本质的复归。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:189

1. However, because human revolution at this time still began in the heads of philosophers, the reduction of alienation and the liberation of the human subject was still the conclusion of logical inference based in humanist value philosophy. This was the last logical construct in the completion of Marx’s theory of economic alienation: the transcendence of alienation and the return of the human subject from a state of alienation to its own essence. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 139.


例句 1:
Philosophy of Value is an important component in Marx’s Philosophy, and the Purpose of studying Marx’s Philosophy of value is not only to re-understand Marx’s Philosophy, but also to find a new way for developing our current study on Philosophy of Value.

例句 2:
Nietzsche is one of the most revolutionary thinkers in the 19th century. His philosophy has had a tremendous impact on the west and east, especially in the field of value philosophy. He is more concerned about the value of questions than any other philosopher.

例句 3:
The value of philosophy is a hot issue in the contemporary philosophical research. John Dewey, a famous 20th century American pragmatist philosopher, has a wealth of ideas about Philosophy of Value, and the fundamental significance of his philosophy emphasizes on real life and practice. The fundamental problem which he is interested in is





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