

字词 价值与价格


value and price


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 205.




[1] 价值.via:
[2] 价格.via:
[3] 价值规律.via:


1. 当然,马克思有时也在捕捉政治经济学自身的理论“矛盾”。例如,价值看起来很合理,“它是由物品的生产费用和物品的社会效用来确定的。后来却发现,价值纯粹是偶然确定的,它无论和生产费用或者和社会效用都没有任何关系”,前者所分析的是斯密和萨伊的定义,后者所分析的则是竞争中表现出来的价格。显然,此时马克思还无法正确地区分价值与使用价值、价值与价格。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:270

1. Of course, Marx also attempts to capture the theoretical “contradictions” in political economy. For instance: “Value is determined at the beginning in an apparently rational way, by the cost of production of an object and by its social usefulness. Later it turns out that value is determined quite fortuitously and that it does not need to bear any relation to either the cost of production or social usefulness.” The first determination of value is given by Smith and Ricardo’s definition, while the second determination is the emergence of prices from competition. It is evident that Marx was still unable to correctly differentiate between value and value in use, as well as between value and price. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 205.

2. 马克思自己说,只是到了《政治经济学批判》一书,蒲鲁东主义才被连根铲除了。在那里,马克思才真正解决了价值的质的分析,即劳动怎样和怎样的劳动形成价值,而且价值必然地要发展成为货币。此时,马克思还没有论及价值与交换价值之间、交换价值与价格之间、价格与市场价格之间的严格区别,从而他也无法深入地分析资产阶级社会具体的生产形态,并进一步得出科学的经济学结论。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:484-485

2. Marx wrote himself that Proudhonism was not completely eliminated until Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. In this book, Marx finally truly completes the analysis of the character of value, i.e., how labor forms value, what kinds of labor form value, and the fact that value necessarily develops into money. At this time, Marx had not yet discussed the strict differences between value and exchange value, between exchange value and prices, between prices and market prices. Because of this, he was unable to deeply analyze the concrete productive state of bourgeois society, and therefore unable to reach further scientific economic conclusions. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 280.

3. 我们也能看到,马克思这时才第一次认真讨论价值、交换价值、货币和价格的关系,他的出发点还是李嘉图。因此,他直接引述了李嘉图的观点:“一切商品(包括劳动在内)的价值(实际交换价值),决定于它们的生产费用,换句话说,决定于制造它们所需要的劳动时间。价格就是这种用货币来表现的商品交换价值。”诚然,这时马克思的用语还不精确,但这并不妨碍他科学地说明一个道理。商品的价值与价格不是直接等同的,“价值是作为价格运动的规律而出现的”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:555

3. We can also see that here Marx first seriously discusses the relation between value, value-in-exchange, money, and prices; his starting point is still Ricardo. Therefore, he directly cites Ricardo’s viewpoint: “The value (the real exchange value) of all commodities (labour included) is determined by their cost of production, in other words by the labour time required to produce them. Their price is this exchange value of theirs, expressed in money.” Although Marx’s expression at this time was not yet precise, this did not prevent him from scientifically explaining that the price and value of a commodity are not directly equal: “the latter [value] appears as the law of the motions which the former [prices] runs through.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 439.


例句 1:
第三章是对价值与价格关系的再认识。首先综述讨论了经济学理论关于价值与价格关系,然后从纯经济学意义上对“价值”与“价格”做出逻辑思辨,对“价值”与“价格”的成因及经济学本质探索,进一步深化认识“价值”与“价格” 间的关系。——《自然资源价格论》,中共中央党校博士学位论文,2007
Chapter III of the value and the price again. First discussions on the economic theory
of value and price, Then from a purely economic sense of "values" and "prices" make
the adoption of logic, the "value" and "price" of the cause and nature of economics exploration, further deepen the understanding of "value" and "price" the relationship between them.

例句 2:
【Objective】The quantitative research on value and price for water resources can provide reference for water price formulation and water resources management.

例句 3:
【结果】基于建立的水资源价值量和价格核算模型,对西安浐灞生态区的水资源价值进行分析,结果表明,浐灞生态区的水资源总价值为6.26×103 万元,其中自然资源价值、旅游景观价值和居民舒适性享受价值分别为3.60×103,2.65×103 和8.96万元,水的自然资源价值最大,其次是旅游景观价值,舒适性享受价值相对较小;水资源价格为2.24元/m3。——“基于物元分析与替代市场法的水资源价值量核算研究”,载于《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》2012年05期
【Result】Based on water resources value and price accounting model, analysis of Xi’an Chan-Ba water resources value shows that the total value of water resources in Chan-Ba ecological zone is 62.6milion yuan, including natural resources, tourism landscape and recreation- al value is 36.0mil





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