

字词 教阶制(教阶体纲)


ecclesiastical hierarchy






[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:142.
[2] 教阶制.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=LungGO1DDQwBNHI_7L33uhM-zhrfAvVFDdu9y20F_Q-Lvi-s2RtmQ6egy_8CrgmTir6f-UZSiiECSO_DuE8KwTW_XjwXRfblkYqsd9YOa5z3soZCQEwxq0qd0vPlxiik.
[3] 教阶制度.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=Ds-jirFvo6tuhKL9N91qXN5-rQA9LzYktIvMMb3ZRPMQhdZ6qH0KeyKigiTSXTkidYSFvUzsddueqPn7xugVR1NMsJn9frRHpgcZr1-7FmoFyL4yvfgIUF_zuTPvzvha.
[4] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)[M] .人民出版社,1960.


1. 人道自由主义,无主可事也无财产,也就是没有神, 因为神同时是至高无上的主和至高无上的财产,教阶制——自由主义范围内的否定的统一,这种统一是对事物世界和思想世界的统治,同时是扬弃利己 主义的完善的利己主义者——完善的教阶制。同时构成向“我”的过渡(洞察思想世界的青年)。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷:德意志意识形态)》,1956:136

1. Humane liberalism, masterless and propertyless, that is godless, for God is simultaneously the supreme master and the supreme possession, hierarchy-negative unity in the sphere of liberalism and, as such, domination over the world of things and thoughts; at the same time the perfect egoist in the abolition of egoism—the perfect hierarchy. At the same time, it forms the Transition (youth penetrating behind the world of thoughts) to the “ego”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 133.

2. 乡下佬雅各在以上的叙述中把历史只看作抽象思想的产物,或者确切些说,看作他自己关于抽象思想的各种观念的产物,他认为历史是受这些观念支配的,而这些观念归根到底都消融于“圣物”之中。接着他把“圣物”、思想、黑格尔的绝对观念对经验世界的这种统治,描写成当前存在的历史关系,描写成圣者、思想家对世俗世界的统治,即教阶制。在这种教阶制中,过去分先后出现的东西,现在是并列存在的,于是这两种并存的发展形式中的一种统治着另一种。这样,青年统治儿童,蒙古人统治黑人,近代人统治古代人,自我牺牲的利己主义者(citoyen)统治通常理解的利己主义者 (bourgeois),等等,——参看“旧约的经济”。 ——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷:德意志意识形态)》,1956:186

2. In the foregoing presentation Jacques le bonhomme conceives history merely as the product of abstract thoughts—or, rather, of his notions of abstract thoughts—as governed by these notions, which, in the final analysis, are all resolved into the “holy”. This domination of the ‘‘holy”, of thought, of the Hegelian absolute idea over the empirical world he further portrays as a historical relation existing at the present time, as the domination of the holy ones, the ideologists, over the vulgar world—as a hierarchy. In this hierarchy, what previously appeared consecutively exists side by side, so that one of the two co-existing forms of development rules over the other. Thus, the youth rules over the child, the Mongol over the Negro, the modern over the ancient, the selfless egoist (citoyen) over the egoist in the usual sense of the word (bourgeois), etc. —see “The Economy of the Old Testament”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 172-173.

3. 由此可见,黑格尔硬说中世纪的天主教教阶制具有想成为“精神的统治”的意图;随后又把这种教阶制解释为这种精神统治的有局限性的、不完备的形式,他认为这种统治在新教以及它的臆想出 来的进一步发展中得到完成。不管这是多么不合乎历史,黑格尔总还相当尊重历史,他没有把“教阶制”的名称扩展到中世纪之外去。但圣麦克斯从这位黑格尔那里得知:较晚的时代是较早的时代的 “真理”,因此,精神的完备的统治时代是精神的尚不完备的统治时代的真理,因此新教是教阶制的真理,也就是说,是真正的教阶制。但既然只有真正的教阶制才配称为教阶制,那就很明显,中世纪的教阶制不能不是“软弱的”这是施蒂纳很容易证明的,因为黑格尔在上述各段话中以及在其他上百处地方都把中世纪精神的统治描写成不完备的。施蒂纳所要做的只不过是抄一下而已,至于他“自己的”全部活动就是:以“教阶制”一词代替“精神的统治”一词。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷:德意志意识形态)》,1956:189

3. Hegel, therefore, ascribes to the Catholic hierarchy of the Middle Ages the intention of wanting “to be the domination of spirit” and thereupon regards it as a restricted imperfect form of this domination of spirit, the culmination of which he sees in Protestantism and its alleged further development. However unhistorical this may be, nevertheless, Hegel is sufficiently historically-minded not to extend the use of the name “hierarchy” beyond the bounds of the Middle Ages. But Saint Max knows from this same Hegel that the later epoch is the “truth” of the preceding one; hence the epoch of the perfect domination of spirit is the truth of that epoch in which the domination of spirit was as yet imperfect, so that Protestantism is the truth of hierarchy and therefore true hierarchy. Since, however, only true hierarchy deserves to be called hierarchy, it is clear that the hierarchy of the Middle Ages had to be “weakly”, and it is all the easier for Stirner to prove this since in the passages given above and in hundreds of other passages from Hegel the imperfection of the domination of spirit in the Middle Ages is portrayed. He only needed to copy these out, the whole of his “own” work consisting in substituting the word “hierarchy” for “domination of spirit”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 174-175.


例句 1:
From the point of view of dealing with heresy, the Church in the formation of a bishop as the center stage of the teaching system, on the one hand, defined the Church bishops, priests and clerics in the disposal of a variety of pieces on the duties of heresy, on the other hand, to complete the disposal of the church heresy legal basis, that is, orthodox doctrine.

例句 2:
At the early beginning of the foundation of Christianity, it was a religion which claimed for equality between men and women in some extent. Jesus, the father of Christianity, broke away the tradition in terms of religious philanthropy, love involved women, gave no bias on women .With the spreading and the estabilishing of religious hierarchy system , it became a tool for the state authority. For catering to the need of the authority of the patriarchy, equality and philanthropy have been abandoned, which resulted for the early phrase of the foundat





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