

字词 分配规律


law of distribution


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 27) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1990: 434.






1. 第一卷表明,资本家怎样从工人那里榨取剩余价值,第二卷则表明,这个最初包含在商品里的剩余价值怎样实现为货币。可见前两卷所谈到的剩余价值,只是它在第一个占有者即工业资本家手里的情形;然而剩余价值只有一部分留在这个第一个占有者的手里;随后它就以商业利润、企业主收入、利息、地租等形式在各个有关方面的人中间进行分配;第三卷所阐述的就是剩余价值的分配规律。而讲完了剩余价值的生产、流通和分配,也就结束了剩余价值的整个生涯,此外对它就没有更多的东西好谈了。除了资本主义利润率的一般规律,第三卷还研究了商业资本、生息资本、信贷和银行、地租和地产等问题,这些问题连同前两卷研究过的题目,已把标题中所答应要做的“政治经济学批判”概括无遗了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十二卷)》,1965:511

1. The first book shows how the capitalist’s surplus value, which initially is contained in product, is realized in the form of money. These first two books are thus concerned only with surplus value so long as it is still in the hands if its first appropriator, the industrial capitalist. But it remains only partially in the hands of this first appropriator; it is later distributed to various interested parties in the form of commercial profit, profit of enterprise, interest and ground rent; and it is the laws of this distribution that are set out in the third book. With the production, circulation and distribution of surplus value, however, its entire life-cycle is concluded and there is nothing more to say about it. Apart from the laws of the profit rate in general, the third book examines commercial capital, interest-bearing capital, credit and banks, ground rent and landed property, which in conjunction with the themes dealt with in the first two books complete the “Critique of Political Economy” promised in the title. -Quoted from -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 27), 1990: 434.


例句 1:
We must follow the rules of market allocation for abandoned mine land investment income distribution; and should be according to the contribution of inputs to share earnings.

例句 2:
There are two major research traditions in the history of economic ideology: one taking economic growth as the center of economic research while the other taking the fairness of income distribution. The former is represented by Zaire, Marshall, Keynes and Lucas et al. while the latter by Ricardo, Marx, Galbraith et al.

例句 3:
The point of distribution according to work and distribution according to factors of production is one of the main differences be-tween Marx's Political Economics and new classical economics.





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