字词 | 分析悖论 |
释义 | 分析悖论【英】paradox of analysis译文来源[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:367. 定义英国穆尔、兰福德(C.H.Langford)等提出的分析语言符号时引出的一个逻辑矛盾。分析悖论可以这样叙述:如果表示被分析项的词汇符号,和表示分析项的词汇符号有同样的意义,那么分析陈述的是一个内容空泛的相等,它是无价值的;但是如果词汇符号并不具有相同的意义,那么分析就是不正确的。例如:(1)兄弟概念相同于男性同胞概念。(2)兄弟概念相同于兄弟概念。第(1)句具有丰富的信息,尽管不是逻辑的而只是事实的,它还是述说了对“兄弟概念”这个被分析项所作分析后的结果;第(2)句却十分贫乏。这个问题用卡尔纳普的外延内涵方法,可以较为简单地解决。例句(1)和(2)都使用了与被分析项同样意义的分析项,但是例句(1)却和(2)并不一样。后者被分析项和分析项是内涵同构的,并无什么认识价值。但是,前者被分析项和分析项只是内涵相同,而内涵并不同构,因此,它们并非内容空泛的相等。用这样的分析项去分析被分析项,是有认识价值的(金炳华等,2001:367)。 定义来源金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001. 例句1. 蒲鲁东在这种方法论上所受到的隐性制约,比他在表面上那无比激动、激情澎湃、口若悬河的批判性论述更为根本,更显关键。所以,虽然他看起来是在批判资产阶级社会,而本质上却在一个更深的理论层面论证资产阶级社会的永恒性。这种悖论,恰恰是蒲鲁东所无法理解、无法企及的辩证法。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:465 1. The latent constraints of this methodology under which Proudhon operated appear all the more fundamental, all the more critical beneath the surface of his passionate, fervent rhetoric. Therefore, although he appears to criticize bourgeois society, on a deeper theoretical level he essentially proves the eternal nature of bourgeois society. This paradox was the dialectic that Proudhon was unable to understand or aspire to. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 364. 2. 价值实体(商品、资本)是真的物,但却是历史唯物主义中最难理解的物。因为这个物具有二重性的悖论:它具有使用价值的效用存在,但这不是在资本主义经济关系中的社会本质,其本质是人类的一般抽象社会劳动,即价值。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:522 2. Value substances (commodities and capital) are actually existing things, but these are also the most difficult to understand elements of historical materialism. This is because this material possesses a dual paradox: it possesses the useful existence of value-in-use, but this is not the social essence of capitalist economic relations, which is actually man’s general abstract social labor, or value. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 411. 3. 从内部来批评马克思主义理论, 就会让人怀疑你的真诚;放弃马克思主义理论,就是为你的不真诚提供确凿的证据。有人也可能会知道对一种总体化理论保持恰当的认识究竟意味着什么:这样一种立场至少暗示了一种悖论。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:93 3. Criticise the theory from within and you cast doubt on your sincerity; move away from the theory and you provide conclusive proof of your insincerity. One might also wonder what it would mean to have a sense of proportion about a totalising theory: there is at least a hint of paradox in such a position. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 59. 网络参考例句例句1: |
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