

字词 分配论


theory of distribution


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 13) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1978: 300.






1. 马斯洛夫先生写道:“绝对地租理论同第3卷所论述的全部分配理论之间的矛盾实在太明显,因此只能作这样的解释:第3卷是在作者死后出版的,把作者的草稿也收进去了。”(《土地问题》第3版第108页的注释)——《列宁全集(第十六卷)》,1988:265

1. “The contradiction between the theory of absolute rent and the whole theory of distribution expounded in Volume III,” writes Mr. Maslov, “is so glaring that one can only account for it by the fact that Volume III is a posthumous publication containing also the rough notes of the author.” (The Agrarian Question, 3rd ed., p.108, footnote.) -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 13), 1978: 300.

2. “似乎在一个鲁滨逊的身上可以很好地研究最抽象的生产,在岛上的两个孤独的人身上可以很好地研究分配,甚至可以想象出从主奴之间的完全平等起到完全对立止的所有中间阶段......”恩格斯引证了杜林的下面这句话:“但是,最终真正对分配学说起决定作用的观点,只有通过严肃的社会的〈!〉考察才能得到......”——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:683

2. “In its most abstract form production may be studied quite well by taking Robinson as an example; distribution, by taking two people alone on an island and imagining all stages intermediate between complete equality and complete opposition between master and slave...” Engels quotes the following sentence from Dühring: “The point of view which in the last analysis is really decisive for the theory of distribution can be arrived at only by serious social” (!) “meditation”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 614.

3. 第二,他这样就把全部分配理论从经济学的领域搬到道德和法的领域中,就是说,从确定的物质事实的领域搬到或多或少是不确定的意见和感觉的领域中。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:170

3. Secondly, he thereby transfers the whole theory of distribution from the sphere of economics to that of morality and law, that is, from the sphere of established material facts to that of more or less vacillating opinions and sentiments. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 144.


例句 1:
The paper points out the defect of the income distribution theory of mainstream economics about the aspect of natural resource participation in income distribution, in which factors get their incomes according to their contribution in the course of production.

例句 2:
Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC pointed out that “finance is the foundation and an important pillar of state governance”, which is a precise interpretation of the fiscal nature and the “new state distribution theory”.

例句 3:
The main body of a book is studied according to Max distributes theory such as theory and dual economy Lewes structure according to one’s performance, is apply national unification to count an index, is draw support from authoritative figures, by research method of integration of norm analysis with demonstration analysis, qualitative analysis Gansu Province city and countryside takes in the gap current situation and forms cause, degr





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