

字词 政治自由


political freedom; political liberty


[1] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 2.
[2] via: http://dict.cnki.net/dict_result.aspx?searchword=%u653F%u6CBB%u81EA%u7531






1. 但还是不可思议的是,作为维多利亚时代的思想家,马克思把欧洲、北美视为世界舞台的中心和未来革命的战场;而现在,这位思想家却明显地被第三世界各国人民广为尊崇,被尊为导师。在这方面,最为重要的是,我们必须牢记:马克思所设想的共产主义革命是发生在这样的国家:经济福利达到了一定的水平,足以保证革命以后人民享有很大的政治自由。然而结果却是,马克思主义的学说在这样一些国家中取得了最大的成功,在那里,资源的匮乏意味着政治自由是件无法获取的奢侈品。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:2

1. But it remains paradoxical that Marx, a Victorian thinker who saw Europe and North America as the centre of the world's stage and the arena for future revolutions, is apparently now more widely respected as a mentor by the populations of Third World countries. It is most important to bear in mind in this connection that Marx envisaged a communist revolution taking place in countries where a certain degree of economic well-being would permit considerable post-revolutionary political freedom. In the event, however, Marxist doctrines have proved most successful in those countries where scarcity of resources means that political freedom is a luxury that cannot be afforded. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 2

2. 依照鲍威尔的见解,人要获得一般人权,就必须牺牲“信仰的特权”。我们现在就来看看所谓人权,确切地说,看看人权的真实形式,即它们的发现者北美人和法国人所享有的人权形式吧!这种人权一部分是政治权利,只是与别人共同行使的权利。这种权利的内容就是参加共同体,确切地说,就是参加政治共同体,参加国家。这些权利属于政治自由的范畴, 属于公民权利的范畴;而公民权利,如上所述,决不以毫无异议地和实际地废除宗教为前提,因此也不以废除犹太教为前提。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷):论犹太人的问题》,1960:436

2. According to Bauer, man has to sacrifice the “privilege of faith” to be able to receive the universal rights of man. Let us examine for a moment the so-called rights of man, to be precise, the rights of man in their authentic form, in the form which they have among those who discovered them, the North Americans and the French. These rights of man are in part political rights, rights which can only be exercised in a community with others. Their content is participation in the community, and specifically in the political community, in the life of a state. They come within the category of political freedom, the category of civic rights, which, as we have seen, in no way presuppose the incontrovertible and positive abolition of religion, nor therefore of Judaism. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3): On the Jewish Question, 1975: 160-161.

3. 自由?这里指的是政治自由。已经向鲍威尔先生指出,当犹太人要求自由而又不想放弃自己的宗教的时候,他正是在“从事政治”,而不是提出任何与政治自由相抵触的条件。已经向他指出,当国家摆脱了国教并且让宗教在市民社会 范围内存在时,国家就从宗教下解放出来了,同样,当单个的人已经不再把宗教当做公事而当做自己的私事来对待时,他在政治上也就从宗教下解放出来了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1957:143

3. Freedom? It was a question of political freedom. Herr Bauer was shown that when the Jew demands freedom and nevertheless refuses to renounce his religion, he ''is engaging in politics" and sets no condition that is contrary to political freedom. Herr Bauer was shown that it is by no means contrary to political emancipation to divide man into the non-religious citizen and the religious private individual. He was shown that just as the state emancipates itself from religion by emancipating itself from state religion and leaving religion to itself within civil society, so the individual emancipates himself politically from religion by regarding it no longer as a public matter but as a private matter. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4): The Holy Family, 1975: 111.


例句 1:
Marx’s thoughts of political liberty came into being in the nineteenth century in a stormy or unstable situation.

例句 2:
由于现代Civil Society的经济性以及国家权力技术的发达,政治自由很难实现,而思考自由伦理的可能性就是探寻Civil Society的后现代的未来。——“文明发展与Civil Society的历史变迁”,载于《江苏行政学院学报》2013年第4期
Due to the economic nature of modern Civil Society as well as the sophistication of state power and technology, it is difficult to achieve political freedom, and the condideration of the possibility of freedom ethnics is to explore the postmodern future of Civil Society.

例句 3:
Political freedom is the basic freedom, which is prerequisite for other freedoms.





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