

字词 回到事物本身


to examine the essence of a mental object


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:566.
[2] Eidetic reduction. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eidetic_reduction




[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 张一兵.不可能的“回到事物本身”[J].哲学分析,2013(3).


1. 从苏联哲学界批判德波林学派的文章中看出,德波林学派有这样一种见解,他们认为矛盾不是一开始就在过程中出现,须待过程发展到一定的阶段才出现。那末,在那一段时间以前,过程发展的原因不是由于内部的原因,而是由于外部的原因了。这样,德波林回到形而上学的外因论和机械论去了。拿这种见解去分析具体的问题,他们就看见在苏联条件下富农和一般农民之间只有差异,并无矛盾,完全同意了布哈林的意见。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:281-282

1. As can be seen from the articles written by Soviet philosophers criticizing it, the Deborin School maintains that contradiction appears not at the inception of a process but only when it has developed to a certain stage. If this were the case, then the cause of the development of the process before that stage would be external and not internal. Deborin thus reverts to the metaphysical theories of external causality and of mechanism. Applying this view in the analysis of concrete problems, the Deborin school sees only differences but no contradictions between the kulaks and the peasants in general under existing conditions in the Soviet Union, thus entirely agreeing with Bukharin. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 318.

2. 利益知道用法会产生有害后果的前景,用法会对外部世界产生影响来给法抹黑;它也知道用良好的动机,也就是通过追溯到不法的思想世界的内心深处去的方法来粉饰不法。法在外部世界的坏人中间产生不良的后果,而不法却发源于颁布关于不法行为的法令的高尚人物内心的良好动机。但是,这两者,即无论良好的动机还是有害的后果,都有一个共同的特征:它们不是根据事物本身的情况来对待事物,它们不把法当作独立的对象,而是离开法,把我们的注意力或者引到外部世界去,或者引到自己的头脑中去,从而在法的背后大耍花招。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)》,2002:271

2. Interest knows how to denigrate right by presenting a prospect of harmful results due to its effects in the external world; it knows how to whitewash what is wrong by ascribing good motives to it, that is, by retreating into the internal world of its thoughts. Law produces bad results in the external world among bad people, wrong springs from good motives in the breast of the honest man who decrees it; but both, the good motives and the harmful results, have in common the peculiar feature that they do not look at a thing in relation to itself, that they do not treat the law as an independent object, but direct attention away from the law either to the external world or to their own mind, that therefore they maneuver behind the back of the law. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 248.


例句 1:
The paper has a researching inclination: only taking back to the thing itself, it is a rational path that taking back to the special situation to grasp tacit knowledge.

例句 2:
After inspecting the background of mobile telephone literature, will choose the version from the mobile telephone literature's form and content and starts carrying out examination in a meticulous and deep going way to probe its existence.

例句 3:





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