

字词 改良主义




Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2001: 10.


改良,原指去掉事物的个别缺以使其更适合要求,现常暗指在现有基础上进行修改而非推翻重来。因而,相对于激进革命,改良主义是作为暴力革命对立面而出现的。(改良主义.via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E6%94%B9%E8%89%AF%E4%B8%BB%E4%B9%89)改革要求从根本上改变事物的本质;改良主义则通常排除暴力革命,而以温和的手段在细枝末节上对原有体系制度进行修定补充。改良主义产生于19世纪中叶的发达国家的“工人贵族”之中,到了19世纪末20世纪初,则在国际范围内广泛流行,并与共产主义运动中的科学社会主义思潮互相呼应。(改良主义.via: http://www.bing.com/knows/search?q=%e6%94%b9%e8%89%af%e4%b8%bb%e4%b9%89&mkt=zh-cn&FORM=BKACAI)改良主义的主要特征是反对激烈变革以及疾风骤雨式的推翻现有架构重新构造新架构的革命,而主张在现有架构和基础上实现渐进的演变。改良主义极力宣扬阶级调和与阶级合作,是一种主张在保存现有制度相对长期不变的条件下实行逐步的社会改良的政治思潮。改良主义的主要内容包括,反对从根本上推翻剥削制度、主张在不触动资本主义制度的条件下实行点滴的社会改良;对资本主义制度进行美化,抹煞资本主义实质,鼓吹阶级合作,反对无产阶级暴力革命和无产阶级专政;宣扬资产阶级民主,认为无产阶级只有通过扩大所谓民主和取得议会多数就可取得政权;主张“和平长入”社会主义;企图用微小改良和小恩小惠来欺骗麻痹人民,达到维护资本主义的目的。(改良主义.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/304035.htm)。改良与改良主义既有联系又有区别。改良主义将改良视为高于一切的东西,把改良当作斗争的唯一手段和最终目标,企图用改良代替革命进而取消革命。马克思主义并不笼统地反对改良,但认为革命是最高原则,改良只是无产阶级革命斗争的辅助手段和副产品(改良主义.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6196067-6409328.html)。


[1] 改良主义.via:
[2] 改良主义.via:
[3] 改良主义.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/304035.htm
[4] 改良主义.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6196067-6409328.html


1. 霍尔认为,英国工人阶级的特征基本上是防守,信奉的是改良主义而不是公开的革命。霍尔想要在改良主义和社会主义之间作出根本的区别。按照改良主义,我们大概是在纠正资本主义的恶行,即“没有眼泪的社会主义”,而社会主义则需要“从根本上重塑人类的社会关系和制度”。—— 《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:15

1. Hall sees it as basically defensive in character, committed to reformism rather than outright revolution, and he wants to make a firm distinction between reformism and socialism. In the former case we have some tinkering with the worse abuses of capitalism, ‘socialism without tears’; whereas the latter involves ‘a fundamental reshaping of the social relations and the institutions in which men and women live’. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 9-10.

2. 工会运动在英国等国家的成功恰恰是建立在这样一种改良主义之上(至今继续建立在相对未经审查的改良主义之上),尽管这是大多数马克思主义者宁愿忽视的东西,或者,即使不愿忽视也会把改良主义斥为虚假意识的产物。改良主义和马克思主义都成为民主革命的敌人,并且如果要继续民主革命的话,那么一种阐明斗争和对抗的新视角就成为迫切的需要。—— 《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:39

2. The success of the trade union movement in countries like Britain is predicated on just such a reformist character (which has continued on relatively unchecked to the present day), although this is something that most Marxists would rather ignore, or, if not ignore, dismiss as the product of false consciousness. Both reformism and Marxism become enemies to the democratic revolution, and if the latter is to continue, then a new perspective for articulating struggles and antagonisms is urgently required. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 25.

3. 对于经典马克思主义者而言,这将会成为共谋和渐进主义的一种可憎的混合,也不是非常令人尊重的政治策略。他们始终认为,共谋扫除了渐进主义获得成功的一切机会,因为工会的改良主义在这个方面是一个具有启示意义的榜样。拉克劳和墨菲之所以掩饰共谋,因为就他们对同一性概念的解构而言,无论是自由主义还是保守主义都不是一种固定的立场,因而容易被颠覆。但是,这种论证方式反过来也能够应用到他们身上,因为左翼也不可能成为一种固定的立场。—— 《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:45

3. To the classical Marxist this will constitute an unsavoury blend of collusion and gradualism, neither very highly regarded political maneuvers, and the argument is always likely to be that the collusion wipes out any chance of the gradualism being successful anyway, with trade union reformism constituting an instructive model in this respect. Laclau and Mouffe gloss over collusion on the grounds that, given their deconstruction of the concept of identity, neither liberalism nor conservatism is a fixed position, therefore open to subversion; but that line of argument can always be turned back on them, in that being on the left cannot be regarded as a fixed position either. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 29.


例句 1:
Based on the research results of in-depth study and research at home and abroad, Focuses on the theory and the practice process of the British Labour Party of Democratic Socialism, and it is deeply analyzed and the Marx doctrine of scientific socialism.

例句 2:
Democratic socialism is the ideology system that Socialist Party, Social Democratic Party and Lobour Party in Contemporary Capitalist Countries. Democratic socialism is the common theory and practise that the parties deal with social contradictions and political problems. It promotes diverse guiding ideologies, reformism path.

例句 3:
He thinks that it is a reformist measure to strengthen the political outcomes of the great October Revolution by means of redefining the relationship of marketing and currency trading among various economic elements and making them work under state-private management.





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