

字词 环境污染


environmental pollution


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 230.


环境污染,是指由于人为因素的影响,自然与社会环境的素质恶化,生态系统和人类正常生活条件受到扰乱和破坏等现象(陈国强等,1990:297)。环境污染是人们对工业高度发达的负面影响预料不够、预防不利所导致的全球性的三大危机之一(via: http://baike.sogou.com/v89618.htm)。环境污染既包括自然的破坏,也指人为的破坏,即人为向环境中添加某种物质而超过环境的自净能力而产生危害的行为(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/2445413-2585126.html)。由于人为因素使环境的构成或状态发生变化,环境素质下降,生态系统和人类的正常生产和生活条件受到扰乱和破坏(via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/71744.htm#5)。环境污染包括大气污染、土壤污染、水源污染、食品污染、噪音污染等。环境污染的来源主要包括生产、科研、人类各种生活所产生的废水、废气、废渣、粉尘、垃圾、放射性物质、噪声、震动、恶臭,以及对自然资源的不合理利用等(陈国强等,1990:297)。环境污染会对生态系统造成直接的破坏和影响,也会给人类社会造成间接的危害,有时这种间接的环境效应的危害比当时造成的直接危害更大,也更难以消除。随着经济和贸易的全球化,环境污染日益呈现国际化趋势。大气环境污染、海洋污染、城市环境问题等环境污染在全球范围内不同程度地出现,具有全球影响(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/2445413-2585126.html)。做好环境污染的防治工作至关重要。每一个公民都应努力增强环境意识,一方面清醒地认识到人类在开发和利用自然资源的过程中,对生态环境造成的污染和破坏,另一方面将认识转变为实际行动,以积极的态度投入到各项环境保护活动,自觉培养保护环境的道德风尚(via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/环境污染)。


[1] 陈国强等.简明文化人类学词典[Z].浙江人民出版社,1990.
[2] 环境污染.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v89618.htm
[3] 环境污染.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/2445413-2585126.html
[4] 环境污染.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/71744.htm#5
[5] 环境污染.via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/环境污染


1. 生态环境保护是功在当代、利在千秋的事业。要清醒认识保护生态环境、治理环境污染的紧迫性和艰巨性,清醒认识加强生态文明建设的重要性和必要性,以对人民群众、对子孙后代高度负责的态度和责任,真正下决心把环境污染治理好、把生态环境建设好,努力走向社会主义生态文明新时代,为人民创造良好生产生活环境。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:208

1. Our efforts for ecological conservation and environmental protection will benefit future generations. We must be aware that it is a pressing and difficult task to protect the environment and control pollution, and that it is important and necessary to advance ecological progress. We must take a responsible attitude towards our people and future generations, be resolute in controlling environmental pollution, strive to usher in a new era of ecological progress and improve the environment for our people to live and work in. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 230.

2. 发展创新,是世界经济可持续增长的要求。单纯依靠刺激政策和政府对经济大规模直接干预的增长,只治标、不治本,而建立在大置资源消耗、环境污染基础上的增长则更难以持久。要提高经济增长质量和效益,避免单纯以国内生产总值増长率论英雄。各国要通过积极的结构改革激发市场活力,增强经济竞争力。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:335-336

2. Innovative development is necessary for the sustainable growth of the world economy. Growth driven by stimulating policies and large-scale and direct government intervention in the economy can only treat the symptoms but not the disease, while growth at the cost of high energy consumption and environmental pollution is even less sustainable. Countries should improve the quality and efficiency of economic growth and avoid simply measuring development by the GDP growth rate. They should invigorate markets and enhance economic competitiveness through active structural reform. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 368

3. 20世纪末期随着资本主义关系扩张到生活的几乎所有领域中,一些从属形式出现了。那种新颖性就体现在新运动挑战那些从属形式的方式中。资本主义的“成功”标志着马克思主义作为一项世界革命运动的失败,因而意味着反抗不得不釆取新的形式:例如,环境污染导致了生态运动和绿色运动。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:39-40

3. That novelty is seen in the way the new movements challenge those forms of subordination consequent on the extension of capitalist relations into virtually all areas of late twentieth-century life. The ‘success’ of capitalism is a measure of Marxism’s ‘failure’ as a universal revolutionary movement, and it has meant that resistance has had to take new forms: environmental pollution, for example, giving rise to the ecology movement and the greens. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 25.


例句 1:
‘Decision of the CCCPC on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening the Reform’ clearly stipulates ‘implementation of environmental pollution control by a third party’. This is specified for the first time in environmental policy system in our country. Examining the policy choice and the value judgment, it requires the concepts and ways of environmental pollution control switching from the regulation mode to the interaction mode.

例句 2:
In addition, growth of capital stock will increase environmental pollution emissions and the change rate of investment proportion displays an inverted U-shaped relation with the environmental pollution. So we suggest local government should maintain a reasonable speed for capital growth.

例句 3:
Based on the Copeland-Taylor model, this paper constructs a theory model on industrial agglomeration’s affection towards en





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