

字词 势力范围


sphere of influence


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 29) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 518.




[1] 王云红.势力范围:一个概念在近代中国的形成与发展[J].重庆社会科学,2007(10).
[2] 牟安世.义和团抵抗列强瓜分史[M].经济管理出版社,1997.
[3] 迟福林,张占斌.邓小平著作学习大辞典[Z].山西经济出版社,1992.


1. 鲍威尔认为,资本主义制度下的周期性萧条使得资本家进一步向利润率更高的不发达国家寻求势力范围。卡特尔和银行使这种寻求过程更容易了,因为资本家的投资能够受到关税的保护。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:59

1. According to Bauer, the cyclical depressions under capitalism made capitalists seek further spheres of influence in underdeveloped countries where the profit rate was higher. Cartels and banks made this process easier as they could get their investments protected by tariffs. -Quoted from Karl Marx Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 64.

2. 技术特别是交通的惊人进步,资本和银行的巨大发展,使资本主义达到成熟,而且成熟过度了。资本主义已经衰朽。它已成为人类发展的最反动的障碍。它就是一小撮百万富翁和亿万富翁统治一切,这些富翁推动各国人民进行厮杀,来解决帝国主义赃物、殖民地统治权、金融“势力范围”或“托管权”等等应当归德国强盗集团所有还是归英法强盗集团所有的问题。 ——《列宁全集(第三十七卷)》,1986: 109

2. The gigantic progress of technology in general, and of means of transport in particular, and the tremendous growth of capital and banks have resulted in capitalism becoming mature and overmature. It has outlived itself. It has become the most reactionary hindrance to human progress. It has become reduced to the absolute power of a handful of millionaires and multimillionaires who send whole nations into a bloodbath to decide whether the German or the Anglo-French group of plunderers is to obtain the spoils of imperialism, power over the colonies, financial “spheres of influence” or “mandates to rule”, etc. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 29), 1974: 517-518.

3. 苏维埃政权用革命手段揭露了对外政策的黑幕。考茨基没有注意到这一点,对这一点默不作声,虽然在进行掠夺战争和签订“瓜分势力范围”(即资本家强盗瓜分世界)的秘密条约时代,这一点具有根本的意义,因为和平问题,千百万人的生死问题都是以此为转移的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,1985:248

3. The Soviet government has torn the veil of mystery from foreign policy in a revolutionary manner. Kautsky has not noticed this, he keeps silent about it, although in the era of predatory wars and secret treaties for the “division of spheres of influence” (i.e., for the partition of the world among the capitalist bandits) this is of cardinal importance, for on it depends the question of peace, the life and death of tens of millions of people. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1974: 246-247.


例句 1:
Only this characteristic plays a decisive role in becoming the Mafia-style syndicate. The crime subcultures, tight quality, the sphere of influence, economic strength are embodiment of the key characteristic.

例句 2:
Since the 21st century, economic globalization has become more and more strengthened: a faster development and deeper cooperation in the real economy and the fictitious economy have been carried out between countries.

例句 3:
Spheres of Influence are common in the history of the western great powers. In some practices, the great powers’ such pursuits suggested the major characteristics as a strategy. 





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