

字词 货币流通规律


the laws of currency; the law of money circulation


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 16) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1964:129.
[2] Likitkijsomboon, Pichit. Marx’s anti-quantity theory of money: A critical evaluation.
via: https://www.mtholyoke.edu/courses/fmoseley/conference/pichit1.pdf


流通界货币必要量的规律。它表明,在一定时期内流通中究竟需要多少货币来为商品交换作媒介是有规律性的。(何盛明,1990:439)这里有关流通中的货币指金属货币,所以,它也被称为“金属货币流通规律”。在金属货币流通的情况下,由于金属货币具有贮藏手段的职能,能够自发地调节流通中的货币量,使之同实际需要量相适应。因而不可能出现通货膨胀或通货紧缩。(货币流通规律.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=-KDeaDuN6xezHUDIbaSMiK5DLBTmtqHyUe_wvQ2uDrgEjX1Jk_wtB1nK84j6Fq-E0FIZIn-6uM4v4eAB3Rlua_3MxppkLWtStQBNgBD7q23IpNCe9XB9pYVlvwuqb3UQnEt5T9CDTF96tUJE4THoYq)货币作为价值尺度是观念的,不需要现实的货币,不存在货币量的问题;作为一般社会财富的贮藏,货币退出了流通界,不属于流通界的货币量。因此,流通界货币必要量,包括流通手段必要量和支付手段必要量。马克思在分析货币流通手段职能时指出:商品价格总额/同名货币的的流通次数=执行流通手段/职能的货币量(《马克思恩格斯全集》第23卷,第139页)。这是货币流通规律的基本公式。马克思在分析流通手段和支付手段必要量规律时指出:“在一定的货币流通速度下,不论货币是作为流通手段或作为支付手段,一定时期内流通中的货币总量决定于待实现的商品价格总额,〔加上〕同一时期中到期的支付总额,减去彼此抵消的支付。”(《马克思恩格斯全集》第13卷,第137页)
  马克思揭示的货币流通规律说明,流通中的货币必要量取决于三个基本因素:(1) 待出售的商品数量;(2) 商品的价格水平;(3) 货币流通速度。待出售的商品数量与商品的价格水平两项乘积是商品价格总额。所以这一规律的基本内容是:流通中的货币数量与商品价格总额成正比,与货币流通速度成反比。假定货币流通速度不变,商品价格总额越大,需要的货币量就越多;反之,需要的货币量就越少。在商品价格总额已定的情况下,货币流通速度越快,需要的货币量越少;反之,需要的货币量就越多(何盛明,1990: 439)。


[1] 何盛明.财经大辞典•上卷[Z].中国财政经济出版社,1990.
[2] 货币流通规律.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=-KDeaDuN6xezHUDIbaSMiK5DLBTmtqHyUe_wvQ2uDrgEjX1Jk_wtB1nK84j6Fq-E0FIZIn-6uM4v4eAB3Rlua_3MxppkLWtStQBNgBD7q23IpNCe9XB9pYVlvwuqb3UQnEt5T9CDTF96tUJE4THoYq


1. 公民韦斯顿不应该把自己对于货币流通规律的无知变成反对提高工资的论据,而应该去研究使货币流通能适应不断变化着的条件的那些规律。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十六卷):工资、价格和利润》,1964:129

1. He would have inquired into die laws which enable a currency to adapt itself to circumstances so continually changing, instead of turning his misconception of the laws of currency into an argument against a rise of wages. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 20), 1985: 116.

2. 国家把印有1镑、5镑等等货币名称的纸票从外部投入流通过程。只要这些纸票确实是代替同名的金额来流通,它们的运动就只反映货币流通本身的规律。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷):资本论》,1972:147

2. The State puts in circulation bits of paper on which their various denominations, say £1, £5, &c, are printed. In so far as they actually take the place of gold to the same amount, their movement is subject to the laws that regulate the currency of money itself. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 137.

3. 在流通手段的流通中,卖者和买者的联系不仅仅被表现出来,而且这种联系本身只是在货币流通中产生,并且是与货币流通一同产生。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷):资本论》,1972:157

3. By the currency of the circulating medium, the connexion between buyers and sellers, is not merely expressed. This connexion is originated by, and exists in, the circulation alone. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 148.


例句 1:
货币理论是马克思经济学说的重要组成部分,马克思货币理论是以科学的劳动价值理论为基础,我们通过对马克思货币理论的信用货币与世界货币论、货币发展规律论、货币职能理论的分析发现,要实现其现实价值,则应加大信用货币管理与加大货币使用的监管力度,防止泡沫经济产生; 自觉遵循货币流通规律,提高社会货币利用实效性,提高社会货币化程度,推进利率市场化改革; 运用货币职能手段,加强政府宏观调控,保持三大产业均衡发展,促进经济结构调整。——“马克思货币理论的现实价值”,载于《闽江学院学报》,2012年第3期
The monetary theory is an important part of Marxist economics, Marx monetary theory based on the scientific theory of value through analyzing Marx’s monetary theory, the law of monetary development, the theory of monetary functions. In order to realize its actual value, we should increase the integrity of the management of the credit currency and increase the supervision of the currency used to prevent the bubble economy; consciously follow the law of currency circulation, improve the of effectiveness social currency use, improve the degree of social currency, promote market-oriented reform of interest rates; the use of monetory functions means to strengthen the government’s macro-control, the maintain the balanced development of the three major industries and promote economic restructuring.

例句 2:
Marx’s theory of the study of inflation based on the law on the basis of its currency in circulation,that the





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