

字词 感性




Kant on sensation,perception,conception and thought. via: https://www.douban.com/note/101305319/


感性和理性是属于意识的范畴,都是指意识的性质。感性,相对于理性,是指基于意识的非参照性的意识。所谓非参照性,就是指意识从虚无中以自身方式延展的自然的、自由的、无规则的特性。(感性.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v158991.htm)感性一词的英文词来自于拉丁文sentise,表示知觉到和感觉到。亚里士多德将有感觉能力的主体对实体作了认识的改造解释为感性现象。巴门尼德和柏拉图都认为感性现象是虚幻的。从古希腊哲学开始,许多哲学家由于感性认识的相对性而对感性知识的实在性产生怀疑,如康德将人的认识能力即传统的理性划分成感性、知性和理性三种,并以感性论来理解“感性”,指出感性是思维运动的第一个形式,感性也称纯粹感性,感性的对象是表象,表象是事物纯粹表现出来的东西,包括事物和世界的现象;康德认为感性认识是由感性材料和先天的直观形式(即时间与空间)构成的。但是,由于感性缺乏普遍性和必然性,因而单凭感性还不能获得可靠的知识,此时,要借助于知性的作用,即知性可以用先天的范畴对感性材料进行综合与整理、从而使之成为有条理的科学知识。与之相反,贝克莱夸大感觉的主观性,进而否认物质世界的存在,认为存在就是被感知。(感性.via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E6%84%9F%E6%80%A7)感性的一般意义是指凭借感官等认知的、基本由个人的感情决定的、并未深入思考而基本以第一印象来做判断的意识,也就是外界事物作用于人的感觉器官而形成感觉、知觉和表象的认识形式或认识阶段。(感性.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/190873.htm)


[1] 感性.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v158991.htm
[2] 感性.via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E6%84%9F%E6%80%A7
[3] 感性.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/190873.htm


1. 这个木质的和坚固的密度变成了一个超自然的东西,一种感性的非感性之物,一种感性的但又是非感性的东西,一种可感觉的超感觉之物。现在那个幽灵般的图表的出现不可避免了。商品中一种没有现象的“物品”,一种在迁徙中超越了感官的东西。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:284

1. This woody and headstrong denseness is metamorphosed into a supernatural thing, a sensuous non-sensuous thing, sensuous but nonsensuous, sensuously supersensible. The ghostly schema now appears indispensable. The commodity is a “thing” without phenomenon, a thing in flight that surpasses the senses. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 374.

2. 《逻辑学》是从抽象概念出发推演到具体概念,而整个《逻辑学》又是世界历史的抽象出发点。黑格尔的哲学经过感性的自然、人类社会历史的具体,再一次回归到具体的抽象,即绝对精神。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:539-540

2. Logic begins with abstract ideas to derive concrete concepts, and the whole of Logic is the abstract point of origin of world history. Hegel’s philosophy moves through sensuous nature and the human social historical concrete, again returning to concrete abstraction: the Absolute Spirit. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 426.

3. 黑格尔在自己批判性的哲学逻辑发生学中,指认出个体意识所面对的变动不居的感性存在(“多”)背后潜藏着一个本真的彼岸世界,不过这一次创世主(绝对的“一”)被叫做大写的绝对观念(从《精神现象学》到《逻辑学》)。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:63

3. In the philosophical logic of Hegel’s critical phylogeny, he identifies an inherently true “other world,” hidden behind the mutable, perceptual existence (“Many”) faced by the individual consciousness. However, as opposed to Christian theology, Hegel refers to the Creator (the absolute “One”) as the Absolute Idea (From the Phenomenology of Spirit to the Science of Logic). -Quoted from Back to Marx:Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 35.


例句 1:
Women writers describe the world and the real female world by their sensitive and delicate sensibility. This way that made by women’s sensibility has never been male-female society to address is really belong to female. It not only exposes the fact of ma

例句 2:
With the development of the emotion design, it’s key problem, what is emotion design, how to do emotion design, is emotion design the same concept with Kansei design, if not, what is the difference, what is the estimate standard of emotion design, these problem have been discussed and studied frequently by now.

例句 3:
The context of the entertainment-oriented problem of contemporary literature and art is very complex, which is often in a pluralistic discourse network which is jointly prepared by the traditional and contemporary, East and West, the elite and the general public, emotional and rational, and a complex mechanism wi





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